Zac's Astrology

Libra ~ September 23 - October 22

Duality ~ Masculine

Element ~ Air

Quality ~ Cardinal

   Libra is active, artistic, easygoing, peaceable, prizes beauty and harmony, is diplomatic, polished and very socially inclined.

   Ruling Planet ~ Venus. Venus rules pleasure, social pursuits, art and adornment. Its influence also inclines toward self-indulgence and love of luxury.

   Symbol ~ The Scales. Signifying balance, equilibrium, order and justice.

Dominate Word ~ I BALANCE

   Polarity ~ Aries. Libra is the sign of marriage and partnership. Its natives are happiest functioning within a union, and often lose their equilibrium and positive outlook when forced to be alone. Aries, Libra's opposite, is the sign on ego, personality and self. Aries people tend to put themselves first and selfishness is one of their negative traits.

   Part of the Body Ruled by Libra ~ The lower back and buttocks, and the kidneys: Librans suffer from lower back strain and problems in the lumbar region. They are also subject to kidney infections.

Lucky Day ~ Friday

Lucky Numbers ~ 6 and 9

   Magical Birthstones ~ Opal: Brings financial success, frees its wearer from jealousy and greed, and imparts clear insight.

   Special Colors ~ Blue and lavender. The colors of romance, harmony, and refinement.

Cities ~ Vienna, Copenhagen, Charleston, Lisbon.

Countries ~ Burma, China, Tibet, Argentina, Japan

Animal ruled by Libra ~ Snakes and lizards

   Danger ~ Libra people tend to stir up feelings from others in situations having to do with love. Because they are indecisive and sometimes make a declaration of love too easily, Librans both anger and disappoint lovers. They also have a tendency to be fickle and faithless.

~ Your most likeable trait: CHARM ~

   Librans are easy to like, for you have a captivating charm, possess elegant taste, and are usually beautiful to look at. In addition, you have a gift of making others feel important, for you are a superb listener and instinctively know how to draw out another person.
   Ruled by Venus, goddess of love and beauty, you admire loveliness in all its forms, in music, in art decoration- and people. Your home will always have a touch of elegance, and you love to entertain in style. You enjoy the comforts of life- all the things money can buy.
   A narcissist at heart, you expect admiration. You wish to be the jewel in the center of any setting, and you have a computer memory for any compliment ever paid to you. You tend to judge others by outward appearances. If someone has a charming facade, you won't look any deeper. As a result you may become easy prey for a sophisticated schemer with an affable manner.
   Libra is the zodiacal sign of partnerships- in psychological terms the sign is outer-directed. Your energies are focused on melding and combining with other people; you are at your best in personal relationships. However, your main interest in on yourself within the relationship. You deal intuitively with other people emotions, and no one is better at understanding and taking into consideration another person's point of view. Yet all too soon, that outside viewpoint will be lost or subsumed within your own self-centered concerns.
   Born under the sign of the Scales, you strive for balance and harmony and are happiest when your environment is ordered and serene. Peace is worth any price to you and usually you will go a long way out of your way to avoid friction and dissension. Because you see clearly every side of an argument, every possible given course, you have the tact and ability to smooth over disputes. You are a born diplomat. In order to avoid an unpleasant scene, you will even stifle your own true feelings. In fact, far too often you are not sure what your true feelings are. Because you try to be all things to all people, there is a general impression, you are indecisive. You appear to be constantly poised on an edge, seemingly unable to move one way or another, balancing pro with con, advantage with disadvantage, risk with gain, Underneath your surface you have to struggle to make decisions.
   Although you have superb instincts, you don't trust them enough. You are likely to be an underachiever because of your easy-going, even-tempered attitude. For the most part, you don't want anything badly enough to fight for it. The exception I when you're denied a privilege to which you feel entitled. That ruffles your fur. Librans have a reputation for stubbornness, but that's because you are sticklers for fairness. You resent being treated unfairly and become upset at the inequity in the world at large.
   You get along harmoniously with people who are even-tempered, particularly those who can laugh in the face of difficulties. You are particularly appreciative of talent in any field, whether art, literature or music, and if you lack talent yourself you often indulge in artistic hobbies.
   Money has a way of slipping through your fingers because it isn't money you love; it's the things money buys. Especially frivolous, people born under this sign dislike hard work- unless someone else is doing it. A love for beauty leads many natives of this sign to careers in art, decorating, the theater and composing, but approach often remains that of a dilettante who enjoys the reward but avoids the effort needed to attain it.
   You are an incorrigible idealist and quintessential romantic. Affectionate, warm hearted, sentimental. Naturally optimistic, you do everything in your power to please. You stock-in-trade is charm.

~ You and Libra Man ~

   Libra man is almost too popular with woman because he has the rare ability to relate to them on what might be called a feminine level. He has great personal charm and elegance and a refined aesthetic sense. He gets so much attention from the opposite sex that he's a little spoiled. If a woman doesn't catch his interest quickly, he moves to a more promising conquest. Practice has made him a suave lover.
   Libra man spends enormous amount of time and energy cultivating relationships. He may claim what he wants is a stable, long term love affair, but if so he wants a perfect love affair. He is an incorrigible idealist, always looking for the ideal mate, someone to appreciate and understand (even idolize) him. He also has an inclination toward indecisiveness and tries to strike a balance between what he knows is impossible for him to have and what he has.
   Libra male will go a long way out of his way to steer clear of upsetting influences. A woman will find it hard to pick a fight with him, for he never wants even the appearance of being unreasonable. In real life it take only one to make a quarrel- and he'll do anything to avoid being the one. He'd rather call the whole thing off.
   Rarely does that happen, however. He is the diplomat of the zodiac, the one who is able to strike a perfect balance between what he wants and what you want.
   Lovemaking is his favorite recreation. He enjoys it and is good at it. But he likes to be told how good he is, and told as often as possible. The Libran man is very responsive to admiration and flattery, and can be a most imaginative lover. His intimate, intuitive knowledge of female anatomy and his active erotic imagination are a very attractive combination. If you want love to be a sensuous experience that transcends the merely physical, Libra man is what you are looking for. If you're looking for a caveman, however, look elsewhere.

~ How to Attract Libra ~

   Librans are the jewels of the Zodiac- the kind you see displayed in Tiffany's window, not on Woolworth's shelves. They exist to be admired. Their milieu is that of the social arts, the world of good manners and pleasantries.
   Don't fret about what topics to discuss. Librans have a great many interests- theater, antiques, decorating, and art- and are marvelous conversationalists. Of course, their favorite topic is themselves. You'll discover that even when they appear to be discussing something else, they're really talking about their own interests- in disguise. Pay the most generous compliment you can think of that has some grounding in truth and they'll be charmed by you.
   If this becomes a bit wearing for you, switch to some controversial problem currently in the news. Take a strong position without being challenging or disagreeable. Librans are always interested in both sides of a question, and if you express a strong opinion they will take pleasure in pointing out what'd to be said for the other side. This won't lead to an argument or unpleasantness-Librans dread that- but might make for lively conversation. And if you tell Librans how smart they are and how much you've learned, you won't be making a mistake.
   Librans dote on luxury and often judge people by the kin of places they go to. They believe first-class people never go to second-class places- unless they're slumming. Atmosphere means a good deal, and the wrong kind of setting is physically disturbing. They don't care how expensive the right place is. Librans always their pleasure is worth the price.
   If you're trying to please a Libran, show that you have taste. Don't dress sloppily. Librans like to be proud of their dates. If you invite a Libran to your house, be sure the ambiance is right. No noisy stereo, no garish lighting. Dinner had better be delicious and served on your very best china and crystal- preferably by candlelight. Good music is always helpful. Librans respond to harmonious sounds.
   In general: don't hold back on anything. Go all out. Whatever may be said against too much, too soon, Librans believe that it’s a lot better than too little too late.

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