Summer's Hanson Concert Review

   Originally, Shann was supposed to come with me to Kansas City to go to the concert on October 22, but it fell through and we didn't get to hook up. So I enlisted my dad to go with me.
   So my dad and I left early Friday morning and drove about 12 hours and got to K.C. Friday night.
   Saturday: we went sight seeing around K.C, found out where the Midland Theater was (of course, it is in the WORST part of town, but more on the later).
   Sunday: We drove by the Midland at around 11:30 and there were already girls in line (actually, they were sitting at the corner of the building so they could see the backstage door and the busses) and both Hanson's buses were already there, and I'm assuming they were inside doing a sound check.
   So we decided to go to the FAO Schwartz store and go eat and kill some time before I went and stood in line. About 3 O'clock I went to go stand in line, and the headaches started. Now, I've been to a Hanson concert before in 1998 at Red Rocks, and even though there were less people at the K.C show, it was definitely more.... frustrating?
   Let me explain- first off, because it was such a small venue, security wasn't real prevalent. You could walk right up to the buses and the backstage door without being stopped. And that was fine when there were only 10 or 11 people there. 10 or 11 NORMAL, non-freaking-out people. But very quickly, 10 people turned in to 1000 people, and there were people surrounding the bus and blocking the public street. The security realized that considering the guys and their family had to get from the bus to the venue, the fans blocking the doors was a problem. So eventually they barricaded a path off and everyone got inside safely.
   Secondly- the venue people told everyone to form 2 lines; one on each side of the ticket box and the doors would open at 6. Of course, no one listened. So there were people smashed against the doors, probably 7 people wide, trying to get through one door. Of course, that first required getting people to stand back enough to open the door. People seem to forget that the doors open TOWARD you *smacks forehead* which meant people had to take 2 steps back, which seemed to be a very difficult concept to grasp.
   Anyway *waves hand* so we get inside the doors. First thing, the ticket takers took every ones signs (THANK GOD! Seriously people. Don't bring signs. I know you want to send cute little messages and stuff, but it's so rude to the people that have to stand behind you. Some girl even brought an inflatable shamu pool toy. Seriously, what the hell are you going to do with that? Hold it up during the concert? Toss it up on stage? Come on people.)
   So as soon as I got inside, I went to the souvenir table and got all my goodies and then went and found my seat and waited for my dad. So when my dad go to our seats, we go to talking and while he was waiting to get in line (he was waiting in the car until like 5, then he got in line *L*) he was talking to one of Hanson's drivers. Not any juicy gossip or anything, but cool none the less. And our seats were in the 7th row, on the very right side isle. Right across, about 3 feet from the Backstage door (or curtain actually, there was no door) It proved to be quit distracting during the concert, watching people walk in and out.
   The concert: 7:30-ish, M2M came on. Honestly, I don't remember their performance. They did a good job, but I just don't remember it.
   8:30- Hanson came on. They totally rocked. Here's a set list (not the right order)
You Never Know,
Can't Stop,
Runaway Run,
Wish I was there,
Song to Sing,
Save Me,
Look at You,
Love Song,
Dying to be alive,
Hand in Hand,
Bridges of Stone - ( I still have not heard a good copy of this song. I couldn't understand the words at the concert, it was jumbled)
Sure About It
Piece of My heart
Lonely Again - (another one if those I have no idea of the words or anything)
If Only
MMMBop - (still after 3 years, this is still a song that gets everyone in the audience up and singing and dancing along)
In the City - (I think this has taken the prize of 'Show stopper' now. The crowd just freaked out when they played this song)
I want you to want Me - (Ok, I just about died when they played this. They didn't play it at all the shows, and I was really hoping they played it at K.C. I wanted to hear Zac do a lead on a song. And I was just floored. It was amazing.)
   ~And of course, since it was Zac's birthday, we all sang Happy Birthday to Zac.

~~~~Stuff I didn't mention ~~~~

  * They did Counting Crows and Jonny Lang during sound check.
*   Isaac was having major issues with his guitars during the concert, he switched guitars and plugs 5 or 6 times.
  * We got to see some Zac tummy action when he jumped off his drum riser :P
*   Some blonde girl (she had all the VIP, BS stuff on. I don't know if it was Ashley or not) but she was standing in the isle next to me singing along during three of the songs. Then she went BS. Then Mr. Hanson came and stood in the same spot during the slower songs in the set. L* That's as close to Hanson as I'm ever going to get. He was very cool to the fans taking pics of him.
  * Speaking of pictures, no matter what they say, take cameras to concerts. Seriously. Not the $400 super zoom lens one or anything, but a disposable one. Every where you look at the Midland, it says no Pictures. All the security were saying no pictures. And that held for about...20 minutes.
   Then people started taking pictures. And no one was doing anything or saying anything about it. *L* But being the good * adjusts horns* girl I am, I was afraid to get kicked out or something, so my dad took the camera and took a whole roll of pics. Hehe. :)
  * My dad is also certain that Taylor is going to break up the band *nodding*
  * I swear, the part of town the Midland is in has been featured on an episode of COPS or something. The place is absolutely beautiful on the outside, but its no where you want to be at night or by yourself. Right across the street is a Deli and it was quit obvious people were buying drugs out of it, and one of the ladies was a hooker.
   I'm sure there was a lot more to the concert, but it was a while ago, I forgot a lot of details.
   All in all, it was great. Hanson are great musicians and totally shine during live concerts. If you get the chance to check them out live, do it! It's worth it.

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