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   Lex started to wring her now shaking hands tightly. "I didn't even remember until now. But I uh… when Summer was trying to get Becky, I turned slightly and when the lightning flashed I saw this big object coming." She looked up at her sister, "That's why I screamed. I tried to warn you… warn Zac." Her head shook, "But I was too late, it was like I-I froze or something. But I saw something!"
   Jakob stood, "That’s it, we have to call the cops."
   "Wait!" Summer started, getting up as well; "we aren't for sure she's right."
   "Suspicion or truth, or whatever, it doesn't matter!" Jakob shouted, "This is about Zac. Something happened, and someone caused it! And I'm not letting anyone get away with it."
   Lex looked at Summer, "He's right." She murmured softly.
   "I know he is. I know you are, Jakob." Summer replied trying to calm down and gather her wits. "But I don't want the police to go on some witch hunt at Seymour."
   "But we can't let it go, or search it out ourselves." Lex intoned gently.
   Jakob shook his head and turned away. "I'm calling Seymour and the police. We can only see what's going to happen."
   Summer slumped back down in her seat, and Lex sat next to her. Throwing her arm around her shoulder Lex comforted, "It'll be okay."
   The returning death glare was her unspoken answer.
   Before much else could be said, the waiting room filled with Hanson's. "Sometimes I forget there are other Hanson's besides Ike, Tay, and Zac." Summer muttered crossly. "But then some of the others get in a group and half you'd think they were half of the population of Tulsa showing up."
   "How's he doin'?" Mrs. Hanson asked first.
   Summer glanced guiltily at her sister before answer, "He got glass in his eyes, and they're working on him now. Anything else," her shoulders shrugged, "I don't know. They won't tell us anymore."
   Mr. Hanson went off in search of someone who would talk to him, and Jakob returned with a tight face.
   Lex was the first to notice, "What's wrong?"
   Summer looked up from her hands, "Jakob?" He stumbled heavily into his chair. What happened?"
   Slowly, catching his breath first, he turned to her, "They found bricks on the scene." His voice strained and hoarse.
   She couldn't even get anything out and he was continuing on, "It was wrapped in something to soften either the sound or the blow. They don't know yet. They said it looks like clothes. Something ballerina's would wear."
   Lex gripped tightly onto Summer's shoulder. "Oh God." She gasped softly. She felt Summer start to tremble under her hand.
   "Someone knew." She whispered distantly. "Someone knew about… before." Summer choked back the lump in her tight throat and her eyes looked around her wildly. "I have to get out of here."
   Standing up quickly, she faltered before getting her legs firm underneath her.
   "Summer, wait." Lex started, her voice pleading.
   Her head shook before she took off. Running as fast as she could from them and her past that was already tailing her.

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