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   Turning in his bed, Zac closed his eyes as tight as he could behind the bandages. Please, just let them think I'm asleep, and go away!
   I'm asleep!
   "I just wanted to say I'm sorry." They whispered softly.
   He sat up, "Summer?"
   Summer jumped, and spun back around. "Oh." She smiled weakly, "You're awake."
   His smile mirrored hers, "Yeah."
   Uncomfortable silence hung heavily between them. "So? What you up to?" He tried, forcing out some cheerfulness.
   She moved in to take the plastic seat next to his bed. "Trying not to freak out and have a nervous breakdown." She smiled over his dry laugh, "You?"
   He nodded slowly, "Oh… about the same basically." His jaw clenched, and then shook his head. "I can't believe this, Summer." He whispered, "I'm going to be blind again."
   The words were like a slap in the face, and Summer jerked out of the chair as if she had been struck. "No!"
   Her head shook furiously like her body; "You're not going to be blind!" She grabbed his shoulders; "Do you understand me?" She questioned sharply. "You're not going to be blind!"
   Unable to move for a moment, Zac pried her fingers from him. "You have to learn to accept this, just as I have." He explained gently. "It's just how life is at the moment."
   Gripping her hands in front of her tightly, Summer bit her lip, "I don't believe it." She choked out, "Don't you get it, I can't."
   He sighed and tilted his head back, "When these bandages come off, it's going to be exactly like the first time. Exactly, Summer. I'm going to ask why they didn't remove all of them, and they're going to tell me they did." He shook his head again, "And I'll be blind again."
   She grabbed tightly onto his hand, and nearly winced when he gripped hers back. "Would you have the surgery again?" She asked quietly, holding her breath for the answer.
   Zac instantly dropped her hand, "I can't believe you'd even ask me that." He announced bitterly, his arms crossing in front of him.
   Summer exhaled, "I had to." She confessed. "I had to."
   "No." He answered pointedly, "I'm not being put back in that limbo once more!" His knuckles cracked as he flexed his fingers, "I did that already, and I ended up in therapy over it! I'm not doing it again! I'm staying with it! I already proved once that I can play and fool everyone else in the world, I'll do that forever if I have to!"
   Slowly, he started leaning in, what he hoped, was her direction. With distinct care, Zac pronounced each of his next words clearly; "I'm not jumping from one world to another. I'm going to be and stay blind." He swallowed convulsively, "Understand?"
   Wide-eyed, Summer nodded, then answered, "Yes. I do, Zac."
   "Say it!" He hissed angrily.
   "I understand."
   "Good." Settling back down, he ran his fingers over the scratchy cotton blanket, and felt his heart drop when the door slammed shut. He closed his eyes against the pain of it all, and tried to pretend it wasn't there and didn't hurt.
   "I'm sorry too." He whispered to his silent and empty room. "I'm so sorry."

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