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   "Let me get this straight, Christine is the one who told you to go up there?" Detective De Salbo asked suspiciously, eyeing both girls.
   Closing her eyes, Summer bit back a groan. God, could he be more obvious on not believing us?
   Sighing she stiffened her spine and stared him straight on. "Look I know you don't believe me or anything, and hey, I understand wholeheartedly." He raised an eyebrow at her sarcasm but she plowed on, "But Becky didn't do anything wrong here. So you don't have to treat her like she's my side kick or something!"
   Turning from voice to voice, Becky felt her neck start to throb, and she laughed. "You know," she broke in grinning. "I think this is the first time ever anyone's ever fought for my credibility."
   Summer smiled wryly, "How big of a man do you gotta be to disbelieve a blind ten year old girl, Detective?"
   "So you want me to believe that Christine, who is a twelve year old blind girl, was capable of causing this vandalism. In the process, hurting an innocent bystander, possibly making them blind as well?"
   When Summer moved to speak he continued on, ignoring her, "Using the same plan that you used a few years prior to a dance school?"
   Her hands clenched into fists at her side and she gritted her teeth painfully. "Listen, I know it doesn't sound logical. But maybe the person who did this isn't logical! I didn't do it this time, and all you have to do is your job and find out who did!"
   Giving her statement, she slammed out of the room and fled down the squeaky hallway.

   The door smacking back against the wall was like a gunshot in the silent room.
   "Jeez!" Zac shouted reflexively, his heart already hammering away inside his chest. He covered it with his hand in hopes of calming it down some. "What the hell?!"
   "You forgot part of that song."
   Shaking his head, Zac tried to clear away the cobwebs that obviously had been spun in his mind recently, clouding it. "Excuse me? Come again?" He asked dryly. "Cause I think I'm missing the big part of what makes that sentence make sense."
   Jakob took a deep breath. "Sometimes I feel like I don't want to fight. Give in to the given, and turn out the light." He smiled crookedly, "but you forgot the part that says, 'we won't go down, and all I know is that fear has got to go, this time around.'"
   His smile broadened, he had turned Zac's own words against him, and knew he'd have to listen to him.
   Zac gave a weak smile himself; "The bandages came off about fifteen minutes ago."
   Jakob, weak in the knees, leaned against the doorframe. "And?" He whispered.
   "And," Zac answered slowly, before scrubbing his face with his hands.
   The door slammed open again, smacking back against the wall leaving a crescent shaped dent. Causing them both to jump.
   "Jeez! What is it with you people and doing that?!" Zac shouted in aggravation as he raised a shaky hand to drag through his hair.
   "We have to find out who did this." Summer announced raggedly.
   "What?" Jakob asked, shaking his head.
   She drew in a deep breath, "If we don't find out who did it, then I'll be charged."
   "I don't get it." Zac interceded. "Why would you be charged for it?"
   Swallowing hard, Summer lowered her gaze to the ground. "Because I've done something like this before."

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