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Twenty Five

   "She's what?" Zac asked incredulously, his eyes widening in disbelief.
   Summer stepped hesitantly into the Hanson kitchen. Smiling weakly, she gave a small wave. "I'm saying goodbye." She answered carefully.
   Zac shook his head, then glared at Jakob, "and how long have you known this?"
   Lifting his left hand, Jakob pressed a button on his watch. "It's now twelve-twenty-eight P.M." The electronic voice resounded in the tiled room. He grimaced, "About five seconds, same as you." He shook his head. "She called me up and told me to meet her here."
   Turning sharply, he very nearly glared at Summer as well. "Why?" He questioned succinctly.
   That one word managed to have a barrel load of emotions.
   Swallowing convulsively, Summer tried to ignore his probing gaze. "I'm just going away for a while, Zac." She muttered lamely. "I need a break from here, and I have an elderly aunt in Tampa who needs a companion for a while."
   He shook his head adamantly. "You're running." He corrected darkly.
   "Taking a break." She reinforced.
   He stood quickly, the adrenaline rushing now that he was getting angrier. "You're running scared!"
   Their eyes clashed furiously when she finally shrugged in acceptance. "Fine. Think of it as that. No matter how you put it, I'm leaving."
   The muscle in his jaw flexed tensely, "So for past mistakes, you believe in present recriminations?"
   She started gritting her teeth as her hands clenched at her side. "It doesn't matter what I believe does it?" She asked him quietly. "It's not going to change a damn thing right now."
   Seeing he wasn't about to accept her answers she took in a deep breath. "Zac, I wish you could just see how much this has hurt me. Just see how it all is from my side of this."
   Ignoring the trembling in her body she cautiously stepped up to him and gently pecked his cheek. "I've already said goodbye to the rest of your family, and mine is waiting outside." Then she hugged him, even though he didn't hug her back.
   Reluctantly, she moved away, the repeated the motions with Jakob. "See you later." She murmured. "Both of you. I will see you both later." Giving them one last look before heading out.
   "What will you do there in Tampa?" Jakob asked calmly.
   Summer halted, then, without turning around, answered; "Meet the Backstreet Boys of course."
   She left then, leaving her friends behind as she returned to her family in their car.
   "You okay?" Alexis asked gently as they started backing out of the driveway.
   Nodding, Summer stared out the window and quickly brushed an impatient hand at her eyes. "Of course, I am." She returned shakily. "Aren't I always?"
   Nodding, Alexis turned to look out her own window as well. Wiping at her eyes too.
   Back inside Zac slammed his fist down on the oak table. "Damn her!" He shouted, frustrated. "She could have stayed here and still have gotten over it all!"
   Jakob felt along for a few seconds before gripping onto the back of one chair and pulling it out to sit down. Calmly, he sat about making himself comfortably.
   Zac glared at him again. "Why aren't you upset about this?"
   He shrugged casually. "It's her life, man, I can't stop her. And I agree with her. She needs time." He shrugged again, "And you just can't see that yet."
   Slamming himself down into a chair across from him, Zac folded his hands contemptuously. "And what is it that you and Summer think I just don't see?" He asked almost agitatedly.
   Catching himself before he shrugged again, Jakob gave a wane smile. "Just see that she's got a lot to think about and reevaluate in her life right now, Zac. And she can't do that while she's in her life right now."
   Leaning back tiredly, sighing Zac rubbed at his straining eyes. He still wasn't used to the usage of them yet.
   Jakob got up and moved around so that he could pat his friend on the shoulder. "It'll be alright. She'll be back. Just see that this is what she needs."
   He nodded wordlessly. He had to just see that this was a good thing… and give all the support he could while she was away and greet her when she returned.
   He had to just see it is all.

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