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Chapter #13

“I’m gonna get you for this!” Taylor shouted as he jumped from the couch and started running after Zac.

Zac screeched and started running up the stairs, trying to stay a good five feet ahead of his brother.

But Mr. Hanson had stopped Taylor before he even got onto the first step. “Just let it go.”

“But Dad,” Taylor whined. “I didn’t do it!”

“I know that Ike and you didn’t break the lamp.” He told him sternly. “So I’ll calmly explain it to your mother, and she will understand.”

Taylor started to say something, when his dad held his hand up, and he quickly slammed his mouth shut.

“Your mother and I will deal with young Zachary.” Mr. Hanson stated. Looking Taylor and Isaac in the eyes.

“Yes, sir.” They both mumbled.

“Good.” He said, before he left.

Taylor dropped himself heavily onto the seat next to Isaac on the couch. “What are you going to do about this?” He questioned.

Isaac grinned at him. “Get him, while we’re at D’s house next time.” He admitted.

Grinning, Taylor nodded. “Good. Can I help?” He asked.

“Sure can.” Isaac replied shrugging.

“So where is Randy and Charm now?” Taylor questioned as he grabbed for the remote.

Isaac shrugged, as he looked down at his watch for the date and time. “I think they’re just getting into Florida today.” He answered.

“Though we may be meeting up with them in New York in about a week or so when we do a photo shoot. Randy’s supposed to go on Rosie’s show.”

Taylor nodded. “I knew that part.” He said smiling. “I just didn’t know where they were going. Randy left that info out the last time we talked.”

“Oh, ok.” Isaac said as his eyes focused intently on the t.v. which Taylor was busy channel surfing on.

“So when are you and Charm tyin’ the knot?” Taylor asked suddenly as he turned the t.v. off.

Isaac smiled, “Who asked you to ask?” He questioned grabbing for the remote.

Taylor grabbed for it, so that he couldn’t get it. “No one, I wanna know.” He declared impatiently.

“Not tellin.’ ” He stated grabbing for the remote.

Taylor still held it out of his reach. “Come on, man. I’m your brother.” He pleaded.

“So?” Isaac asked shrugging. “So is Zac and Mackie. And I haven’t told them.”

“You don’t know do you?” Taylor asked grinning.

“Not a clue.” Isaac admitted as Taylor finally allowed him access to the remote. He looked over at him while he channel surfed. “Though we have thought of Valentine’s Day.”

Taylor nodded. “Most romantic day of the year.” He commented.

“Yeah.” Isaac said nodding. “But D has something against it. Something about how it’s also one of the loneliest.”

In the silence Taylor thought about that. It was true… and last year everyone had spent Valentine’s alone. Even Ike and Charm were apart. The only people together were their parents…

“So choose some other date.” He responded absent-mindedly.

Isaac didn’t look away from the t.v this time. “We are. We’re thinking about it.”

Taylor nodded again and stood. “Well, tell me when you two decide.”

Isaac laughed. “I think we may tell everyone, Tay.” He replied. “It won’t be a huge secret in the family.”

“Okay. Just make sure to tell me before Zac though!” He told him before walking out of the room.

Isaac shook his head and went back to watching t.v, ‘When could D and I get married?’ he asked himself quietly.


Randy looked up from her luggage rack. “Okay, it’s official.” She stated as she stopped walking and jammed her hands onto her hips.

Dahven groaned and turned around. Randy had been getting unusually annoying.

Something was bothering her, which meant it was bothering Dahven, which meant it was bothering Angel as well.

And Dahven didn’t like to be bothered, nor did she like anything bothering Angel.

“What is it now?” She asked blowing a strand of hair away from her face; Angel was starting to feel like a ton of bricks in her arms.

“I don’t want to do this no more, Charm.” Randy blurted out. She gasped at what she just said and bit her lip nervously.

Dahven had been through so much just to get her to where she was today, and she just thrown it back in her face.

She stared waiting in turmoil, as Dahven only stared at her. She waited for the screaming. What came next was totally different, and downright scared her.

Grinning, Dahven ran up and hugged her friend tightly with her one free arm. “Man, if I was Taylor right now I’d kiss ya!” She shouted happily.

“I can’t tell you how much this traveling has really pissed me off.” She admitted distastefully.

Randy laughed and hugged her back. “God, I was so scared you were going to get seriously pissed off at me.”

Dahven shook her head roughly and disentangled herself from Randy’s arms. She grabbed her luggage racks and laughed. “No, but we do have to finish a few trips.”

Nodding, understandingly Randy remarked, “Charm, I want to do music still more than anything in life.”

“I know.” Dahven said sympathetically. “Just not so much at one time.”

“Exactly!” Randy said sighing in relief.

Dahven grinned at her. “Come on.” She told her. “We gotta finish this lil’ business trip off. After Rosie, we’re going on break, and then only doing a few things here and there.”

Randy hugged her again. “Thank you so much!” She said happily.

“Yeah, yeah.” Dahven said removing Randy from her side. She grinned at her. “Don’t worry about it.” She said softly.

“Man, I don’t know how the guys put up with it!” Randy stated as they started getting into the cab, as the cabbie was putting their bags in the trunk.

Dahven laughed lightly. “They have their whole family to keep them straight. We only got each other and Angel.” She shook her head. “That’s not enough to keep us sane.”

Just then Angel started to wail and Dahven and Randy started searching through their bags for the baby formula.

Randy recovered it from one of hers. “Ha!” She shouted in victory, before holding it up to Angel.

Smiling, Dahven handed Angel over to her, and watched as her friend fed her sister. “She could pass as your daughter too, ya know.” She said before she even realized it.

Randy looked up at her startled. Then she smiled at the idea of being a mother. ‘And Taylor the father.’ She thought gleefully to herself.

Quickly she snuggled down into the seat as she watched Angel suck hungrily at the bottle.

Chapter Index

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