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Chapter #15

“Okay, now I’m nervous.” Randy stated as she bit her lip, in hopes of stopping it from trembling.

Dahven glanced up from her magazine and grinned. She had asked Randy if she was nervous twenty minutes ago. “Told ya,” She replied shrugging nonchalantly.

Randy got down on her knees, “Please help me out here, Charm…” She begged.

Laughing, Dahven stood up. “Don’t worry.” She said smiling, “It’ll be fine.”

“But this is a t.v. show!” Randy shrieked. “How am I supposed to get through this?” She questioned, her hands resting on her hips.

Dahven repeated her actions, and opened her mouth in a mocking gasp. Then she grinned again, “Listen.” She stated. “It’s easy, it’s just like a regular interview just with a video camera instead of a regular camera.”

Randy rolled her eyes sarcastically. “Gee, that really helped.”

“Well, what do you want me to say?” Dahven asked throwing her hands up in the air.

“I don’t know!” She snapped.

Dahven eyed her sharply, then an idea struck her mind and she grinned slyly at her friend. “If you don’t calm down and do this show right, I’ll…” She trailed off.

“You’ll what?” Randy challenged smiling triumphantly. Thinking Dahven was all just talk.

“I’ll call your mommy.” Dahven said laughing.

Randy laughed at that as well, the tension leaving her body relaxing her.

“And here on her first ever t.v. performance…” Rosie O’Donnell shouted from the other side of the curtain. “Randy “Rain” Davis!”

Dahven gave her a quick hug, before she gave her a gentle push towards the blue cloth hanging in front of them.

A millisecond passed, and then Randy disappeared in front of it. Being greeted by screams and applause. Dahven smiled to herself as she watched one of the monitors. Randy was a bit shaky at first, but now she seemed to relax a little bit more.


“Tay!” Isaac yelled loudly. “Randy’s on!”

Taylor ran out of the kitchen, a bag of chips hitting the ground in his haste. He plunked the cans of soda down along with the other bags of chips.

“Anything happen yet?” He asked as he mechanically went for the remote and turned up the volume.

Isaac looked over at him and snickered. ‘God, was he really that bad with D?’ “Nope, nothing has happened yet. She just came out from behind the curtain.” He explained as he to started to watch the screen.

“Shhhh!” He hissed loudly.

Again Isaac snickered. This was too funny for him to watch.

He heard the phone ringing and after two rings, he decided he should get it. Since no one else would.

“Hello?” He asked smiling to himself.

“Hey, D!” He shouted ecstatically. “Yep, we’re watching.” He stated, then he chuckled. “Well, more like Tay’s watching. I’ll watch it later.”

“Oh, well we’re recording it.”

“You’re kidding?” He asked amused. “She was nervous?”

“You threatened to call her mommy?” His laughter filled the room only to be hushed at by Taylor again.

“A surprise? Hmm, sounds nice. Do I get a hint? No, hint? That’s cheating. Okay, okay, I’ll see ya tonight, okay? Love you too, D. Ummhmmm, bye!” He said before placing the phone back in its cradle.

After Isaac returned to his seat and the show went to a commercial, Taylor finally turned to him. “Who was on the phone?” He asked as he gulped at his drink.

Isaac looked over at him and grinned, sure now he was normal. “It was D.” He answered.

“Oh?” He said concernedly. “Something wrong?”

“Nope, just wanted to talk and catch up. Making sure we’ll be home tonight when they come back.” Isaac responded as he grabbed for his drink.

“Of course we would!” Taylor exclaimed in a shocked tone.

Isaac was about to answer when Taylor shushed him again. “Its back on!” He hissed.

Sitting back on his cushion, Isaac started laughing again. The things people did when they were in love!

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