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Chapter #18

“Where is Angel by the way?” Isaac asked as they walked into the living room.

Dahven smiled at the mention of her sister. “She’s at home with Rosie. We went there after Randy’s little accident, and Rosie was still up and offered to watch and bed her, so we left her.”

“Oh,” He said nodding his head. “So, feelin’ a lil’ bit better now, Randy?” Isaac asked her kindly. A small smile playing on his lips.

Randy’s cheeks tinted lightly with pink, but she gave a shy smile and nodded. She still could not get comfortable with a conversation with anyone besides Dahven and Taylor. Everyone else just made her nervous for some reason.

Dahven smiled, but playfully poked Isaac sharply in the ribs.

His hand went instantly to the now tender spot, but he still grinned over at her. “What’d I say?” He asked innocently.

She groaned and elbowed him again.

This time he blocked her shot. “Ha, ha.” He teased.

Childishly, she stuck her tongue out at him, then crossed her arms in front of her and started pouting.

Taylor laughed from his seat, which he and Randy were sharing. “Real mature guys.” He commented.

“Yeah.” Randy agreed. Her voice was quiet, but loud enough to hear. “Gives us something to look forward to.”

Dahven and Isaac grinned proudly. “We try.” They stated in unison before laughing at themselves.

“We should’ve just left them alone.” Taylor sighed as he leaned his forehead against Randy’s.

Randy smiled and leaned her forehead against his as well. “I know.”

They each glanced at the two on the couch then chuckled to themselves. “But you’ve gotta admit.” Taylor said softly. “They are a fun couple.”

She giggled lightly, and nodded her head; Taylor’s followed hers.

“Hey.” He said laughing as he pulled his head back and smoothed down the hair that started to stick up. He grinned and smoothed down hers as well. Then he pecked her lips a couple of times.


Dahven stopped Isaac mid-sentence and pointed over at the other two. They were in a deep kiss. After a second she looked away but Isaac had kept staring.

She smiled to herself and elbowed him again, this time more gentle. “Okay, Romeo.” She stated sternly as he once again rubbed his ribs.

He smiled and shrugged his shoulders. “Just lookin’ out for my bro.” He said defensively.

Dahven nodded her head and grinned, “Yeah, sure.” She replied rolling her eyes.

Isaac laughed and hugged her close to him, lacing his fingers through hers and staring intently on them. “So we’ve decided April…” He started.

Slowly, Dahven nodded her head again. Sighing softly as she leaned back into him, her body rising and falling in synch with his, due to his breathing. “Yeah.” She answered softly.

“Any particular date?” He asked as he leaned the side of his head to the side of hers, still staring at their intertwined fingers.

“Nope.” She told him, “I came up with just the month. I was hoping that the date would come from you.” She admitted smiling.

Isaac chuckled softly, and Dahven grinned as she shifted slightly so that she could lean her head against his chest. Curling up more against him.

“How about the twentieth?” He asked after a minute’s worth of silence. “No one’s birthday is on the twentieth.”

Dahven nodded her head in agreement. “Sounds good to me.” She said yawning and snuggling up more to him.

He smiled and gently stroked the side of her head with his free hand.

“So thats it?” He asked softly. “We are getting married on April-Twentieth-Two Thousand?”

Dahven grinned. She could feel his joy and excitement, and the same swelled up inside her. “Yeah.” She said noddingly slowly. “We are.” She answered, laughter in her voice.

Isaac laughed lightly into her hair. Just enjoying another moment with her.

“Hey, what are you two talking about over there?” Taylor asked as he and Randy straightened up in their chair.

Isaac grinned mischievously at them. “Should we tell them?” He asked her.

“Hmm,” Dahven said pretending to think about it. “Nope, not yet.” She told him. “We might want to tell your parents about it first.”

“I agree.” Isaac said nodding and smiling at Taylor and Randy.

“Hey, no fair!” Randy complained.

“Oh, well.” Dahven said as she started to sit up from her comfortable spot. “I think it’s time we should be heading home.” She said both tired and regretfully.

Randy’s yawn was her agreement to the plan. They started saying their good-byes and making plans and promises for the next day.

After Isaac and Taylor had walked them to Dahven’s car they were off and down the dark road.

“So what were you and Isaac talking about?” Randy asked grinning.

Dahven laughed. “Can’t tell ya. It’s a secret.” She said in a child-like voice.

Randy laughed as well. “You’ll tell me anyway, right?” She questioned.

“Later.” Was Dahven’s reply, and Randy left it at that. Just wanting and sorely needing her own bed again.

Dahven smiled over at her friend, she was as tired as she looked.


“So are you going to tell me what you and Charm were talking about it?” Taylor asked as him and Isaac started up the stairs to their bedroom.

“Nope.” He said grinning.

“Why not?” He whined.

Isaac laughed at him, “Cause I’m not.” He replied before stepping into the dark room.

Their conversation had ended now, so that they wouldn’t wake up Zac.

But Taylor purposefully punched Isaac, after they were done changing and making trips to the bathroom, as payback for keeping whatever it was from him.

Isaac, amused by the whole situation only chuckled to himself as he climbed into his bed. This was going to be fun.

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