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Chapter #20

“Huh, uh.” Dahven moaned when someone rocked her shoulder.

She went to grab her blankets to pull over her head, but she didn’t have any. She groped around the bed looking for them, but found that she was laying on them.

That’s when she was sitting up straight and rubbing her eyes.

She heard soft laughter to her right, removing her hands from her yes, she turned to stare at who was in her bed as well.

She came face to face with Isaac holding Angel in his arms. “Uh, oh.” She whispered.

Isaac gave her a small smile. “Don’t worry, D.” He said softly.

“We didn’t do anything. We fell asleep watching Angel. Tay just woke me up five minutes… it seems they, Zac, Tay, and Randy were taking care of Angel while we slept.” He explained.

Dahven let out a sigh of relief. “Oh, okay.” She started relaxing, not realizing how tensed she got.

“You know where we stand on that subject, D.” He voiced quietly, knowing what just rushed through her mind subconsciously. Slightly, she cringed and turned her head away in shame. She did know better.

Sex was something that they were both saving for when they got married. A bit old-fashioned to some, but to them and the Hanson family, it was something sacred.

“I know.” Dahven said in a shaky voice. She took a deep breath and cleared her throat delicately. “I know.” She stated more clearly, and this time she met eye contact with him.

Isaac gave her a sweet smile and his hand caressed her cheek, before he kissed her forehead, and then her lips.

She sighed in content, then opened her eyes a second later.

He was staring at her with a weird smile on his face. “Come on,” He said standing up. “Everyone’s here for the family dinner tonight.”

“Oh yeah.” She said as she quickly stood up and ran her fingers through her hair to come it out.

He grinned, “You look fine, don’t worry.” He told her.

Dahven laughed lightly. “Well, it’s just… I’m excited.” She explained.

Though she really didn’t have to. She saw his little twitches now and again, and his fidgeting fingers as the moved across the blanket still wrapped around Angel.

“How is she?” She asked, taking her mind and focus off the subject.

“Ah, she’s doing all right now.” He replied, “She has no fever.” He commented when she felt her forehead just to make sure.

Her forehead was nice and cool, Dahven smiled up at Isaac. “Thanks.” She said softly. “I wouldn’t have remembered the medicine on my own.”

Isaac smiled and pecked her lips again. “It’s ok, everything’s ok now.” He told her again. “Now we better get downstairs before everyone comes looking for us.”

Dahven laughed and nodded her head in agreement. “Want me to carry her?” She asked concernedly. “Or do you got her?”

He laughed at her lightly. “I think I can handle her.”

“Good.” She said as she slipped her arm around his waist and walked with him and Angel out of her room, down the hallways, down the stairs, and into the large dining room.

Everyone watched as the three entered the room. They didn’t talk or anything, it was simply their presence. The aura that they gave off was powerful and special.

And you couldn’t help but smile at their glowing faces. It was that perfect. They were that perfect.

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