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Chapter #22

Dahven woke up the next morning, and discovered that the dinner she just had with the Hanson family was a little less than a week ago.

Christmas was approaching... which meant her birthday was rapidly approaching as well.

Groaning, she dragged herself from her bed and saw a note stating that Randy took Angel out with her and Taylor for Christmas shopping.

Thinking about Christmas shopping, lead Dahven to think of old Christmas.’ And old memories… some made her laugh and giggle to herself, when her mind brought up one memory she didn’t want.

Pulling her sweatshirt closer to her body to warm her from the cold chill that just raked through her body, she heard her teeth start chattering.

That’s when she went into her bathroom, peeled away her clothes, and placed herself under the hot stream of water coming from the showerhead.

She stayed under there for twenty minutes, her skin burning red from the heat, but her teeth still chattering from the cold chill that just wasn’t leaving her body.

Carefully she turned off the water, and removed herself from the little warmth it provided her and wrapped herself into a large fluffy towel.

Cautiously, she walked into her room, but only grab for some articles of clothing and the disappearing back into her bathroom to change into them.

Walking out near ten minutes later, her mind was occupied with thoughts and that same memory that she didn’t want. She looked above her at her ceiling and sighed.

This evidently was not about to go away on its own; she was going to have to force it. In what way, seemed to be the hard way.

Determined to get it over with as soon as possible, Dahven jammed her feet into her street shoes, laced them up, and then started out her bedroom door.

She walked down the hallway, opposite direction of the stairs. Walking past the master bedroom, passed Aries’ room, past the main master bedroom, and then to the door at the very end of the hallway.

She stood there staring at it for a moment, unsure if she really wanted to go through with this, this way… Groaning in frustration she reached her hand out and turned the knob.

It didn’t budge; thinking fast, she grabbed for the single necklace that dangled from around her neck.

Ripping it off over her head, she fit the key hanging from the thin piece of silver, perfectly into the keyhole. The lock clicked, and the doorknob turned.

Placing the necklace back on, Dahven ascended up the steps slowly. Her heart rate speeding up as she took the next step, and then another, then another… when she reached the flat area, she nearly burst into tears then.

Her whole childhood was displayed in front of her… all the years of pain that she hid up here… they were finally coming back to her.

- Isaac -

Herb answered the door promptly after the first ring, and smiled politely as Isaac stepped inside the warm house. “Good afternoon, sir.” He said bowing.

Isaac gave him a sheepish grin, “Come on Herb,” He said blushing slightly. “You don’t bow to me, remember?”

The butler smiled affectionately at him. Hello, Isaac.” He corrected, out-stretching his hand.

At that, Isaac smiled happily and shook his hand. “Hey, what’s up?” He asked.

Herb had shrugged his shoulders, “Angel’s out with Randy and your brother, and I think she’s up in her room still.”

Isaac laughed, “Thanks, Herb.” He said clapping him on the shoulder, then running up the stairs.

He checked in her bedroom, and found the wet towel in the middle of her floor, as well as her drawers opened and clothes were hanging carelessly out of them. This was not like Dahven at all.

Stepping back out into the hallway, he looked down it both ways. That’s when he noticed the door at the far end was opened.

Thinking that she must be in that room, he started his way towards it, when he heard footsteps coming down. He walked faster, and decided that he would greet her when she came down.

- Dahven -

After Dahven had her fill of her memories and her childhood, she walked quickly for the steps and went even more quickly down them. Not wanting to spend another unnecessary moment in there.

But coming down was a bad mistake, because Isaac was standing there. And what seemed to be, waiting for her.

“Hey.” He said smiling, as he gave her a quick kiss.

She allowed it, but didn’t return it, and that was an even bigger mistake. Because he noticed she didn’t respond to him.

Of course he would! She scorned herself mentally.

“You okay, D?” Isaac asked her softly, worried that something was seriously wrong. Maybe Angel got sick again last night. He thought quietly.

But Dahven slowly shook her head ‘no.’ “No,” She answered. Giving a weak smile. “I’m okay.”

Carefully, Isaac looked her over. Her hands were frozen when he gently took them in his own, and remembered her lips being cold when he placed his on them.

He gave her a soft glare, “You sure? Because you’re really cold, and it’s really warm in this house.” He stated.

Dahven’s smile strengthened slightly. “Yeah, I’m okay.” She repeated.

“Don’t get mad at me for saying this,” Isaac told her after a second. “But what is up there?” He asked her pointing to the door behind her.

Not even looking, she shrugged her shoulders. “Nothing interesting.” She replied.

Isaac looked her over again, he knew she wasn’t being completely truthful. “Please?” He asked her quietly.

“No.” She whispered. “I can’t… I don’t want you to.” She explained.

He gave her a confused look, and that mad Dahven feel bad, as if she was keeping secrets from him. Which she was.

A second later, she slowly started to lead him up the stairs. She gulped for air as her breathing started to come shorter.

“Wow.” Isaac breathed in amazement. The whole attic was built nearly like an arcade/play room. An extremely expensive one at that.

“You have a white Baby Grand piano?” He asked her in disbelief, though the proof was right before his eyes. The ebony and ivory keys shimmering in what little sunlight was coming through the many windows. “And up you keep it up here?

At that Dahven turned away as if struck. Isaac had no idea what his gawking was doing to her.

“That was a ‘I’m sorry I missed your thirteenth birthday’ gift from Syrus.” She grumbled as she crossed her arms in front of her defensively.

That made Isaac’s back straighten up, and stop studying the elegant piano. “What?” He asked in shock. He couldn’t have heard right.

Dahven nodded her head, to confirm he had indeed, heard her correctly. “And this...” She said as she walked over to the large pool table. “Was the ‘I’m sorry I missed your first piano recital’ gift.”

Isaac gaped at her as she went around the room, the gifts getting more and more expensive and bigger as she grew older and older, and Syrus missed more and more of her life.

When Dahven finally concluded what item meant what was missed and supposedly made up for, Isaac didn’t know what to say.

So he went by what he felt, and gripped her tightly in a hug. “I’m sorry.” He whispered right above her ear. “I’m so sorry.”

She shook her head, and hugged him back. “Not your fault.” She told him. “You’ve always been there.”

“And I always will be.” He concluded for her.

Sealing his promise with a sweet kiss.

Dahven accepted it whole-heartedly. Knowing he wasn’t lying, or saying it just to make her feel better. She knew he was really going to be there for her when she needed him. And she planned on doing the same for him.

Chapter Index

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