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Chapter #24

“Two days before Christmas, and you still have yet to finish your shopping?” Dahven asked trying to stifle her laughter.

“It’s not funny, D!” Isaac complained, though he was chuckling to himself.

Dahven hiccuped and smiled into the receiver. “Isaac, it’s okay. I think I can handle being alone for one day.” She told him.

“Actually I wanted to take you with me, but I’ shopping for you still.” He replied.

That made her swallow hard. “Umm, still?” She questioned.

“You know, I don’t need anything really.” She started to explain.

“I mean, you’ve seen my rooms. I’ve…I’ve g-got everythi-i-ing.” Her voice stuttered out her last sentence, and she slapped her forehead. That was brilliant. She thought sarcastically.

She heard his quiet laughter, and relaxed slightly. Knowing he wouldn’t go to the extreme. Simple things just seemed to make everything better.

“It’s okay, D.” Isaac assured her. “Nothing huge, but I’m almost positive that you don’t have everything.”

Dahven smiled a small smile, “Thank you.” She said softly.

His sift laughter was heard again, “I haven’t given you your gift yet. You be thanking me for it already!” He exclaimed.

“Sure I can.” She told him. “I can do things like that.”

Isaac’s laugher continued on.

“Oh!” Dahven said sitting up straight at her desk. She got an idea worthy of sharing.

“Oh, what?” He asked curiously.

“Since you’ve got to shop for me, and obviously don’t want me alone now that it’s just really Angel and I home, why don’t Zac and I go out today.” She explained to him.

“I’m sure I can get Rosie and Herb to watch Angel for a few hours…” She trailed off, waiting for his opinion.

Isaac was silent for a moment. Her and Zac hadn’t gone out on one of their excursions since New York, he laughed at the memory. “Sounds great, D. I’ll go tell him!” He said happily.

Dahven grinned, “Okay! So I’ll see you later tonight?” She asked him.

“Yep, sure will.” He answered.

“Good, cause I got a surprise for Taylor. It’s going to be my Christmas present to him.” She said as she smiled down at her laptop.

“Okay.” Isaac said slowly. “Going to tell me about it?” He asked.

Dahven laughed. “Nope! Love ya!” She called out to him.

Isaac laughed as well. “Love you too.” He told her before they hung up.

Excitedly, Dahven spun around in her chair. This was going to be a Christmas to remember!

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