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Chapter #3

Dahven slowly pulled her car up into the Hanson's driveway. She looked around and tried to gather her nerves as she got out of the car. She started humming 'I will always love you' as she started towards the front door.

She wasn't even given the chance to knock on the door or ring the doorbell before the door swung open and Mrs. Hanson and Taylor pulled her into the house. "What's going on?" She asked as they started taking her to the garage.

"Sssh. Tay, take her I'll go distract, Ike." Mrs. Hanson whispered as she left the two alone.

Grinning mischievously Taylor continued to pull her towards the garage and then inside. "We're supposed to be surprising Isaac with you." He explained when she sat on the hood of the minivan.

"Ohhhh." Dahven said as the reasons for her being dragged into the garage were given to her. She started giggling. "You're gonna make him mad." She warned.

Taylor's grin grew. "See that's the whole point." He admitted.

Dahven started laughing even more. Then she stopped. "What about my car?" She asked. "Taylor, Isaac knows what my car looks like by now."

"Well, umm see the thing is..." He started.

Taylor sighed when he knew he just couldn't hand her a lie. "Well, dad and mom is busy keeping Ike occupied. And I have to be here with you to make sure that the surprise isn't ruined, 'cause Zac couldn't do it."

The inevitable truth started crashing down on Dahven. "If that little guy is driving my car…" She started off. Then she stopped when Taylor wouldn't stop her train of thought. "Taylor!" She hissed angrily.

Taylor shrugged his shoulders and ran to the other side of the van. "What? It had to be a surprise. And Zac can't keep a secret. Neither can the other little kids." He explained as Dahven chased him around the minivan.

Dahven gritted her teeth as she watched him from the other side of the hood. "I swear if I get my hands on you, or if Zac even merely damages my car I will severely hurt you!" She shrieked as she jumped over the hood.

Squeaking in surprise at Dahven's move Taylor started running again. "I'm sorry, Charm. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He apologized.

Dahven just continued to chase him until she started to grow tired. "You dork." She muttered as she sat back down on the hood of the car. "I can't believe you willingly gave Zac permission to drive my car."

Taylor slowly sat down next to her. Breathing hard, trying to catch his breath. "I'm sorry. But it had to be a surprise. It's all set up. You're supposed to be back at your house watching Angel because she got sick at the last minute." He explained the details when he caught his breath.

"Randy is still bringing Angel, isn't she?" She queried.

Taylor nodded his head still taking in deep breaths.

After a few seconds Dahven started laughing again. "I can only hope that Isaac kicks your butt for this." She said as she looked over at Taylor.

He smiled. "That would be if he's feeling gracious at the moment."

Dahven giggled and nodded her head. "So when do I make my appearance?" She asked.

Taylor smiled over at her. "When the cake comes out."

"Why then?" Dahven asked curiously.

"Cause you are bringing it out." He replied smiling. "Along with Angel of course. When Randy gets here she's going to bring Angel in here for you."

Dahven grinned and nodded. "Sounds like an awesome plan to me." She stated.

Chapter Index
