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Chapter #30

Dahven held her hand delicately to her forehead. Gingerly she pressed her fingers between her eyes, where her migraine was forming.

How dare her brother come into their home and ask for her firm!

Cautiously she looked up at her lawyer, then gave a grim wry smile. "I want to make a clause in this contract, Jim." She said sitting up straight in her chair.

She just had an idea.

Jim Reeves, her mother's old lawyer, smiled in relief at her. "Girl, am I glad to hear that!" He exclaimed laughing.

Laughing, Dahven cocked her head to the side, "Just to be on the safe side…" She started, "I want to be sure, that Arie can't sell the firm." She told him firmly.

He nodded his head eagerly as he wrote quickly on the side of the first contract. "And?" He asked looking up at her.

She grinned at him; "If my firm goes below a certain grosse point, it comes right back to me, cause I will pay the debt."

Smiling, Jim Reeves finished writing what she had asked, and handed it to his office assistant to be typed up in the newest contract.

He shook his head proudly at Dahven. "Your mother would have been proud." He told her kindly.

Dahven looked up at him, and gave a small smile, "You know what?" She asked softly.

He shook his head no, but a smile still remained on his lips.

"I think she would too." She answered, before she stood up.


"How could you do this to me?!" Arie shouted angrily as he jumped up from his seat.

Dahven smiled over at him. "Do what?" She asked him innocently. "Protect my firm?" She questioned. "The one that our mother gave me in her will?"

He glowered at her, "You don't trust me!" He bit out coldly.

Grinning, she raised her eyes up to his, "Now whatever gave you that idea, dear brother?" She mocked.

"You purposely put those clauses in there!" Arie screamed loudly.

Dahven's eyes narrowed considerably. "Don't you think I know that?" She said harshly.

"I thought them up!" She forced out, yelling back at him.

"You don't trust me!" He repeated.

"Hell no, I don't!" Dahven said shrugging. "You come into the house, that we co-own, and ask for my mother's firm!"

"I can't trust you as far as I can throw you!" She scathed.

Slumping down in his chair, Arie reluctantly grabbed the pen from his lawyer. He eyed his sister as he signed his name at the bottom, next to hers.

Dahven's smile was triumphant, and she didn't bother trying to hide it. Once Arie had finished signing the documents she stood up and reached her hand out to him.

Arie had stood as well, and shook her hand with hostility. Crushing it on his own, but smiling at her for it.

She simply shrugged her shoulders and twisted her hand from his grasp. "Don't forget," She said sweetly. "You're leaving today."

His nod was sharp, and so was hers before she smiled happily at her lawyer and walked out of the room.

"She has a good head on her shoulders boys." Jim Reeves remarked smiling broadly. "It's going to take a lot, to try and bring her down."

The smile Arie shot at him made Jim lick his dry lips nervously. "We'll see about that." He remarked anxiously.

"It only will take a couple things," He replied. "You just have to know the right spots to hit."

Jim walked quickly out of the room, only glancing back once to see Arie smiling a cold smile and laughing and nodding with his own lawyer. Whatever this was, it was not a good sign.

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