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Chapter #35

Isaac watched Dahven with concern. She was unusually quiet, and she seemed to be trying to avoid all conversations about how her day was.

Finally in frustration over hearing her say "uh huh" for the tenth time, Isaac grabbed her hand with his left, and used his right to make her look at him. "What happened?" He asked gently.

Dahven quickly averted her gaze to the carpet, but only to have him turn her face towards his again. "Some … family... err, business." She answered quietly. Carefully wording her words.

He looked her over, and knew she was hiding something, but didn't want to force her to explain. Slowly he started nodding his head; "You will tell me…" He inquired softly. "Sometime?"

Silently she nodded her head in agreement. She was too ashamed of her family's petty selfishness to talk about it to him on such a happy day for them.

Contently, she leaned her back against his chest, and he leaned against the couch. Just relaxing and enjoying the comfort that the nearness each of them brought.


"Miss Christian!" The voice startled Dahven from her browsing. Instantly she lifted her head, and looked over at Isaac in curiosity.

He gave her a wide grin and nodded to the plump women standing behind the glass counter.

She gave a loud huff, then continued on with what she was saying. "Now that I have your attention Miss Christian." She said pointedly while Dahven's cheeks turned a pale pink.

The old woman smiled triumphantly, and turned to the book resting on the counter, "You ordered a three layered cake…" She trailed off there. "Vanilla cake with vanilla frosting?" She asked.

Dahven smiled and nodded, taking Isaac's hand in her own. "Yes, ma'am." She answered readily.

The woman nodded, "You wanted only green and red flowers on it?"

"Yes, ma'am." Isaac interjected, as he squeezed Dahven's hand affectionately.

"And you want the bride and groom figurines placed on top, right?"

Smiling, Dahven bit her tongue. There was just so much that she could say to that. But she held it in check, "Yes, please."

The woman grunted and wrote something down, then announced, "Your cake will be ready and delivered to… eh," She said checking another piece of paper. "To Christian Courts, fifteen thirty-eight Devils Arch, Fremont Hills?"

"Yep, that's right." Isaac said nodding his head.

Dahven looked up at him and grinned.

"Ok, then that's all." The woman replied as she closed the large book and started walking towards the back of the door.

Once the door slammed shut to the "employees only" room, Dahven and Isaac burst out laughing and started walking to the exit.

"Did she expect us to want figurines of the same gender?" She asked him as they walked towards her car.

Isaac shrugged, "God, I hope not. Mom and dad have been so disappointed with that."

Dahven laughed some more and slid into the passenger's seat. "Just as long as both figurines has blonde hair, I'm okay with it." She teased.

"Hey now!" Isaac said laughing, "I don't know about you, but I'd be angered to find two brides up there on our wedding cake!"

Simply, Dahven shrugged her shoulders, a sly grin on her lips, as she stared down at her engagement ring. "I think I'd be sick." She answered him honestly.

Carefully she looked up at him, "You're the only one wanna marry." She whispered.

Smiling softly. Isaac turned his body towards her, and enveloped her in his arms. Cradling her against his chest, gently he whispered in her ear, "I only wanna marry you too, D."

Moving slightly, Dahven positioned herself so that her face was alongside his, and worked her mouth down from his cheek to his lips. Kissing him with a fierce passion of ownership and belonging, and he answered it fully.

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