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Chapter #36

Dahven watched closely as Mackie helped her watch Zoë and Angel play happily in the backyard of the Hanson's house.

Angel started to come more and more often here. Getting used to the big family life. Dahven grinned at that thought. The big family life.

The sigh she released was happy and content. Lazily she lounged on the bench swing, and kept a drowsy eye on her sister, and soon to be brother in-law, and sister in-law.

She laughed quietly when she thought how confusing it would be to keep all the relations clear now. Angel is Jessobel's aunt, while soon to be sisters with Zoë, but if Isaac and I have a kid, that will be niece or nephew to both Zoë and Angel, and cousin to Jessobel.

Shaking her head, Dahven looked back at the tiny kids playing. Mackie being the good older brother that he was, he was teaching the girls how to eat dirt.

A shadow fell over Dahven and she tilted her head back and looked up at the intruder. She smiled when she heard Isaac's laughter.

"Trade of the family." He said motioning towards the three kids… eating dirt… still.

Dahven laughed, "Yeah, it's a good skill to have." She commented. "You never know when it just might come in handy." She teased as she sat up to allow him room on the swing with her.

Grinning, Isaac took the offered seat. He thew his arm around her, and she snuggled up against him. Both were just watching the kids.

Isaac gave a satisfied smile, "You now, we'll be doing this with our own kids soon enough." He said quietly, but loud enough for her to hear him.

Looking up, Dahven smiled at him. "And how many kids are we having?" She asked him curiously.

"Ten." He said nodding his head.

"Ten!" She shrieked out quickly. "I hope you plan on having them, boy!"

Chuckling to himself, Isaac hugged her tightly. "That would be a big deal to the scientists, and," He shuddered then. "So wrong."

Dahven laughed at that. "But Isaac, honey, ten?" She questioned in a whiny tone. "Your mama don't even got that many children, dude!"

"So?" He asked smiling. "We can surely out-number my family with our own." His voice was confident, but Dahven heard the teasing note lying underneath, and smiled as well.

"No." She said shaking her head. "Let's start out with one or two…" She told him, "Then see if we want anymore hellions."

Laughing lightly, Isaac nodded his head in agreement. "Sounds like a good plan to me."

"It's an excellent one to me." Dahven breathed out, as she once again relaxed against Isaac as they watch the three kids, now playing a made-up form of freeze tag.

Getting up a couple minutes later to take the kids in from the now cold air, Isaac laughed when he saw the dirt caked around their mouths.

But bringing them inside brought on more laughter.

"Let's see, Ike taught that to me…" Taylor said smiling fondly at his little brother and sister, and Angel as well, as Dahven and Isaac had them all sitting on the kitchen counter with washrags trying to clean their dirty faces.

"Which in turn, you taught to me." Zac stated rolling his eyes. Then he grinned devilishly. "And me, not wanting to keep all the pleasure to myself, taught it Jessica."

Jessica shook her head sadly, then smiled up at the group. Her eyes dancing wildly with mischief, "I didn't want to keep Avery from having so much fun either, so I shared the wealth with her."

That's when Avery lifted her head up from her coloring book on the table. She smiled over at them and giggled loudly. "And I taught Mackie!"

Then upon the whole group looking at Mackie, he grinned at them. "I like dirt a lot!" He exclaimed excitedly.

Dahven raised an eyebrow to the others, when Zoë and then Angel decided to squeal with delight at Mackie's answer.

"Okay, new rule." She announced smiling. "Only teach the younger ones to eat the edible food."

Isaac grinned, and Taylor shrugged while smiling innocently, but Zac had a different answer. "You're taking away the family tradition."

Dahven laughed at him. "No I'm not." She stated. "You all have blonde hair and artistic talents. That's your tradition."

Zac pouted, "Yeah, but you took away the good tradition."

Dahven rolled her eyes, and ignored it.

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