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Chapter #38

Jim Reeves rubbed his forehead in thought and aggravation. "The only way that he can get the house to himself," He explained slowly. "Is to contest the will."

Dahven's eyes flashed, and darted daggers at him before she removed the subpoena from her black folder. "And for me to be served one of these, to appear in a Seattle court, for the contesting of the will?" She asked him thickly.

Instantly his hands were around the powerful piece of paper. His eyes were reading rapidly over it. Swearing violently to himself, "I didn't think he'd get it done so fast." He confessed.

She shrugged her shoulder carelessly. "My brother is very smart, sir." She told him. "He is running my law firm and is going to college for a degree."

He shook his head furiously; "It takes money and power to do this, Charm. And a very smart lawyer who has connections."

Dahven glared at him. "My family is not exactly poor, Jim!" She shouted, outraged by his comment. "And I'm sure my brother had learned a few tricks of the trade!"

Jim had seated himself back behind his desk, and looked quietly upon his client. "And what are you planning to do about this?" He asked waving the subpoena recklessly.

"I'm going to put up a deal." She admitted quietly. "The same deal I made for the law firm is going to be made for the house."

"Are you su…" He started out, before Dahven interrupted him.

"Look," She said agitated. "That house was my mothers. A wedding present from my father." Her words were harsh, and she knew it.

Trying to swallow down the anger and repressed memories, she bit her tongue for a second. "My mother gave both Arie and I ownership of that house." Her voice was tense and broken, but it still came out clear enough to understand. "I'm letting him have it."

"Then I'll set up a contract and send it to him in the next hour." Jim said as he removed himself from his office and went in search of his secretary.

Waiting for the strength to stand up, Dahven took her time. Her head was pounding and her abdomen felt like it was on fire. Pain dragged through her body in powerful waves, yet she said nothing and bit it back.

After almost ten minutes of waiting for the pain to subside, it dulled slightly and she was able to stand. Carefully walking to the door, she searched her tiny backpack for her aspirin. Anything to kill the migraine taking residence inside of her head at the moment.

"Mom-my!" Angel cooed loudly as she jumped from around the corner, causing Dahven to jump back in surprise.

Sighing quietly, Dahven bent down towards the still tiny blonde headed child.

"No, no Angel. I'm sissy, not mommy." She reminded her gently, as she took out a tissue to wipe off one of Angel's small and gooey hands that had evidently held some sort of chocolate candy

Ever since Angel had heard Zoë calling Mrs. Hanson mommy, she adopted the habit of calling her mommy as well.

Angel bit her pouting lip, "Mom-my?" Her eyes were questioning her older sister in confusion.

Dahven's brows furrowed, how do you explain to your one year old sister, that your mom is dead?

Giving out another sigh, Dahven nodded her head slowly. "Mommy." She answered. Oh well, she won't have permanent brain damage from this. She reminded herself.

She smiled when Angel's pout turned into a large grin, and then giggled loudly. The noise making a remarkable loud sound bouncing off the marble walls of the building, and only making her laugh more.

Groaning lightly. Dahven touched her forehead delicately. As if a hard touch could make her head burst open instantly.

Taking Angel's tiny and sticky hand in her own, Dahven started leading the way to her VW. Her mind wondering about Christian Courts, and her wedding day, just two days away now.

Dahven started mumbling to herself, "I swear just last week it was still nineteen-ninety-nine."

Angel ran to keep up with Dahven's long strides, but kept a huge grin on her face as she started taking M&M's out of her blue coat pocket and squishing them in her tiny fist before shoving them in her mouth.

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