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Chapter #39

Dahven stared at Isaac in shock. "Tell me you're joking." She said calmly, almost pleadingly as she started to pace the floor of her room.

He just told her the news that he was packed and needed to go on an unexpected quick trip. His plane was leaving in an hour.

Isaac gave her a pained look from his seat on her bed; he shook his head 'no.' "I swear to you, I'll be back tomorrow evening."

"Isaac," She said slowly. "We're getting married in two days." She held up two of her fingers in front of his face. "Two!" She stressed out.

He took her fingers into his hand, "D, I know," He started.

But Dahven interrupted him. "Then where are you going that is so important?" She asked rubbing her forehead gingerly with her free hand. Massaging the migraine taking form.

He took in a breath, "I have some, err, business that I have to deal with. Dad and Taylor are coming with me. But mom is staying to make sure everything remains smooth, and she wants you to stay at our house while we're gone."

"Will you tell me about it when you come back?" She asked him quietly, before hugging herself with her arms, trying to be some form of comfort.

Isaac smiled softly, then got up and wrapped his arms around her. Pulling her against him, for the comfort that she wanted and needed. "I promise, when I get back, I'll tell you all about it." He murmured against her ear.

Looking up at him Dahven smiled, "Good." She pecked his lips then. "Oh, I forgot to tell you." She said as she began walking towards the window.

"Hmm, what?" He asked placing his hands in his pockets.

She turned around and looked at him, a weak smile thinning her lips. "Angel has now taken to calling me, 'mommy.' "

"And why does she do that?" Isaac asked unsurely.

Dahven laughed, "Actually it's your mom's fault." She stated.

"What?!" He asked laughing as well, "How can that possibly be my mom's fault."

She grinned, "Zoë was calling her mommy, and Angel took up the habit." She told him.

Isaac was smiling at her, "And you blame my mom for that?"

She nodded her head quickly. "Uh huh."

"I guess she just wanted a mom of her own." He thought out loud.

Dahven looked up from her gaze on the carpet. "Me too." She confessed in a whisper.

"D," He said gently before wrapping his arms around her again. He held her tight, and caressed her back lightly to calm her down as a few tears trickled from her eyes and a small sob tore from her throat.

He couldn't handle her like this. Couldn't stand seeing her in any pain.

"Come on," Isaac said against her temple. "Let's get you and Angel ready for the sleep-over."

Dahven gave a watery laugh that ended in a hiccup, making them both laugh again.

Rosie appeared in the doorway, Angel at her side, licking madly at a blue frozen popsicle.

Isaac chuckled, then held his arms out to her.

Angel went running, the popsicle bounced back and forth in her hand, as she was lifted off the ground and into his arms.

She squealed loudly, and Dahven watched them in amusement, a hand resting against the side of her head as if to press the pain away.

"You ready for a slumber party tonight at my house with Zoë?" He asked her, settling her back down on the ground.

Her head bobbed frantically. "Yah, huh!" She screeched.

"Come on, girl." Dahven said smiling, "Grab your pj's that you wanna wear tonight and I'll pack 'em down for you."

She caught Isaac checking his watch, so she hurried up her packing.


Twenty minutes later, Isaac was dropping her off at his house, and Taylor and Mr. Hanson were loading their stuff up in the back of the minivan.

Dahven looked Isaac in the eyes, "You will be back tomorrow, right?" She asked, needing the reassurance.

He smiled, "I promise, D." He told her before kissing her lightly.

She nodded her head slowly and carefully, still nursing the bad headache.

"I promise." He whispered before running to the car and climbing into the passenger's seat.

Mr. Hanson honked the horn loudly in farewell, and Dahven waved to them form the front porch.

She sighed softly to herself as she watched the retreating taillights.

"They'll be back, don't worry." Mrs. Hanson chided gently.

Dahven laughed lightly as she wiped away at the stray tears. "I know." She admitted weakly. "I'm just being silly."

Mrs. Hanson laughed at that, "No, you're not. You're being the concerned wife-to-be." She corrected.

Almost instantly, Dahven was hugging her, and Mrs. Hanson was hugging her back.

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