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Chapter #43

Slowly, Isaac started recapping his wedding to Dahven yesterday. Everything was so beautiful and so perfect. And she was even better.

He was never going to forget how big her smile was when she saw that her own brother would be walking her down the aisle. Or the way her eyes teary when she was making the sacred vows to him.

Nor the blush on her face when he was removing her garter. And he would never forget, the tears in her eyes when he sang "More Than Anything" to her at the ending of the reception.

Smiling to himself, Isaac remembered the whole day so crystal clear in his mind. He couldn't be happier.

Well… He thought lazily, looking down at Dahven lying asleep next to him.

As if she had heard his thoughts, Dahven started to wake up slowly. Her body stretching out and against his.

"Morning." She murmured sleepily, barely opening her eyes.

When she did, Isaac grinned down at her, his arm tightening around her shoulder. "Morning." He whispered.

Dahven returned his grin, and wrapped her arms more securely around him. "What are you doing up so early?"

He chuckled lightly, "Watching you sleep, and thinking of yesterday."

"Oh?" She asked quietly.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked kissing the top of her head.

Shrugging slightly, she tilted her head back to look up at him, "The fact that we only get a few days before you go to New York and I go to Michigan."

Isaac's eyes clouded over slightly before he shook his head and his eyes cleared. Quickly he kissed her lips sweetly, "We have three days." He told her smiling as he held up her hand and showed three of her digits.

Dahven giggled softly, "You know the press is going to be dying for this new update." She told him seriously.

"I don't care." He said shrugging, "Just as long as you don't."

She laughed loudly this time, "Why should I?" Dahven asked him. "I've got you."

Isaac nodded his head thoughtfully, "You do, don't you?" He questioned smiling.

Dahven's eyes sparkled and her smile widened broadly, showing a tiny dimple in her right cheek. "Uh huh."

Quietly Isaac started humming to her as he wrapped her up completely in his embrace.

Then he started singing softly; "I love you more than anything, than anything. I do. And I’d give anything, and everything I have, just to be with you. These feelings I hold inside, are emotions I cannot hide. These feelings will not subside; I’d give anything. When I look into your eyes, I see something special, about you. And when I hold your hand, you seem to understand. Cause I love you more than anything, than anything, I do. And I’d give anything, and everything I have, just to be with you. These feelings I hold inside, are emotions I cannot hide. These feelings will not subside; I’d give anything. When I think of life, without you. It brings me; it brings me right down to my knees. Cause I, can’t imagine life, without you. You are my strength, the thing that keeps me holding on. I’d do things that can’t be done. I’d fly to the moon and then around the sun, if you’ll just say that I’m the one I’d give anything. I love you more than anything, than anything, I do. And I’d give anything, and everything I have just to be with you. These feelings I hold inside, are emotions I cannot hide. These feelings will not subside; I’d give anything."

Looking up at him with teary eyes, Dahven gave him a watery smile. 'I love you.' She mouthed, too choked up to get the words out.

Isaac smiled softly at her, and gently stroked her hair; ever so slightly he brushed his lips across hers. "I love you." He murmured brokenly, his voice choked as well.

"My wife."

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