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"Mister Hanson?"

The words brought the trio to their feet in a second.

"I'm him." Mr. Hanson said quickly, his face eager for the news on his son.

The doctor smiled with understanding, "Your son Isaac is fine. He's in the room with his mom, but he's fine."

Taylor and Mr. Hanson let loose sighs of relief, but Zac sucked in his breath, Here it comes. He thought, wincing slightly. The slam is coming. Something's wrong and he's about to say what it is. His eyes closed.

"So what's wrong?" He voiced hoarsely.

"He has a mild concussion, a nice bruise on his ribs, and nice bump on his head." The young man checked his chart, "But nothing else."

Zac released his breath in a loud 'whoosh.' "Seriously?" He asked, unsure if he was telling the truth or not.

The doctor nodded then gave a smile, "He's a very lucky young man." He announced before reviewing his charts again. "He can go in a few minutes. Just needs to be signed out."

Pointing them in the right direction of where Isaac was, he left them to check on other patients.

Zac was running, not caring that he was supposed to be quiet and walking in a hospital.

Rounding the corner, he caught sight of his brother walking slowly. A surge of happiness ran through him and he sprinted towards him.

"You're alive!" He screamed before grabbing his older brother in a giant bear hug.

Isaac stumbled backward slightly, laughing he hugged him back.

"Zac!" Mrs. Hanson scolded, standing up from the form she was signing. "Careful."

But Zac shrugged off the warning and grinned at Isaac, "Man," He said shaking his head. "If you ever do anything like that to me again," He started, his eyes narrowing at him, "I swear to you, I will do something very bad and very mean. Okay?"

Laughing lightly, Isaac nodded, "Okay, Zac. Okay."

Taylor and Mr. Hanson walked up to them giving Zac a small glare for his running off, but Zac repeated the same process with them that he did with his mom, ignoring it and grinning back.

After the hugs were given and the small reunion was over they eagerly left the hospital, not wanting to have to go back for an extremely long time.

Settling down in the van, Zac couldn't stop the smile that stretched out upon his lips. Until one thought brought him crashing down.

Muffling a groan, he cupped his head in his hands, What am I going to do about Mechelle?

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