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Slowly, Zac walked into his classroom. The empty and silent room calmed his jagged nerves and eased the pain that was throbbing in the center of his forehead.

Sitting behind his desk, he laid his head upon the cool wooden top and closed his eyes. Think of what you are doing, and think of why you are.

Involuntarily, a sigh escaped his parted lips. I just want to know her, know what happened. He explained quietly to himself in his mind. What's so wrong with that? There's nothing wrong with being curious.

"No, there isn't."

Zac squeezed his eyes shut tighter, Great now I'm hearing voices.

"Excuse me, did you leave?" They asked self-consciously.

At that Zac's head snapped up, and his eyes opened quickly, "Oh, sorry Mechelle." His face burned with embarrassment. "I didn't know you were there." He explained lamely.

Her laugh was soft and melodious as she stood in the doorway. "What? You couldn't see me?"

Zac laughed lightly as well, "Err, sorta, I had my head down and eyes closed."

She smiled, "Ah, head's up seven up." She said nodding and walking in, "I used to play that all the time in first grade."

"Okay," Zac said smiling indulgently, "Enough with making me feel like I'm five." He said extending his arm out to her. "Come in, and sit down."

Mechelle smiled and accepted his hand, "Okay." She agreed, allowing him to help her sit down at one of the desks. "I wanted to ask you something." She confessed after a second's worth of silence.

Zac shrugged, "Okay. Ask away."

"Well, I know you're Zac Hanson from Hanson and all…" She murmured sheepishly. "But I was wondering if you had extra free time, if you could give me extra piano lessons?" She asked curiously. "Or if your mom or brothers could. Or someone that you know."

Zac watched her face; her eyes though blind seemed full of hope. He couldn't let her down… "I'm sure I can work something out. Perhaps Ike and Tay can both help out as well."

It was as if the sun shone from her face it lit up so much. "Really?" She asked reflexively. "You mean it?"

He chuckled lightly, "Yes, I mean it. In fact, I'll go home tonight and ask about it. But you may have to come out there for the lessons, would that be a problem?"

Mechelle shook her head roughly, excitement bubbling from her. "No, no. I live here on campus, there's no problem." She assured quickly.

Zac grinned at her enthusiasm, "Then I just have to make sure about it being done."

She stood up, "Thank you so much, Zac." She thanked him sincerely.

"Hey, it's no problem." He smiled, "Now you better get going, you have a few minutes to catch your English class before you're late."

"Ohmigosh!" She shrieked before hastily getting up and rushing for the door. "Thank you!" She called over her shoulder, her arms outstretched, making sure of no walls.

"Welcome!" He called back.

Slowly he went and sank back down in his chair, "God, I hope I'm doing the right thing." He murmured, his voice muffled by his hands over his mouth.

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