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"So what are you thinking?" Jakob asked tentatively. After walking around in silence for almost twenty minutes, he was getting worried about his friend.

Zac sighed loudly and shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know exactly." He murmured. "There's a lot that seems to be running in my mind about this thing."

Jakob lowered his head and smiled a small smile to himself. "What are they then?"

He sighed again, this time softly. "If she's younger than me, then she doesn't have her driver's license."

"Or her permit either." He added.

"True." Jakob agreed slowly, curiously wondering where this was leading up to.

Zac nodded too. "And if she was drinking and driving…" He trailed off. "She shouldn't have been drinking, and she really shouldn't have been driving afterwards. I mean, what kind of person does it take to do that?" He questioned darkly.

Jakob stopped walking, and turned towards him. "I dunno, Zac." He scowled. "Maybe someone who was under the influence of alcohol and couldn't think straight?" He asked in cold sarcasm.

Zac flushed shamefully and turned away to stare at the trees. "Sorry." He muttered lamely. "I wasn't thinking." After calming down for a few seconds, he turned back around. "I don't know, Jakob. I keep thinking that she did this just to impress friends."

"Explain that." Jakob said with raised eyebrows.

Running a hand over his low ponytail, Zac ripped out the rubber band, to run his fingers through the loose strands. "Well," He said slowly in thought. "What if she was at a party, kids were teasing her for being such a… a goody-goody?" He asked flatly.

"So to show that she wasn't, she drank along with the rest them. They all tossed back a few, laughed and giggled over how grown-up they were… and then she realized she had to get home, because it was so late." He sighed.

"There was only problem." Zac continued dryly. "Her ride ditched her to go… sleep with some drunk guy." His hand waved off the idea. "So she asked around, someone offered but said they were too smashed to drive, and she being Miss Goody-Goody under alcoholic influence, decided she'd give it a whirl."

Silence enveloped them before Zac added, "And she got in an accident, losing her sight... and possibly her friend."

Jakob let the scene act out in his mind. The story familiar in every detail, and was possibly true. But he shook his head in denial; "I don't believe it." He finally answered, his shoulders shrugging in dismissal.

Again Zac ran his fingers through the long strands of blonde. "I know, I don't either. But it could be true." He pointed out.

"Yeah," Jakob agreed nodding, "But her drink also could have been spiked, the friend she came with could have been smashed and raped as well, and she felt as if it was her responsibility to take her to the hospital."

Zac glared at his friend, "You just have to have an opposite opinion of mine, don't you?"

Jakob laughed, "Come on!" He said shaking his head. "Your parent's or one brother will be here shortly." He smiled at him, "And yes, I do. Only because nothing has only one side to it."

"Yeah," Zac said softly. "You just always have to point out the other sideview to me."

He grinned proudly, "That's why we're such great friends." He remarked happily.

Zac laughed and walked back to the large brick building with his friend. "Yep." He answered smiling. That, and I can always trust you.

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