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Mechelle sat quietly with her meal, her companion as silent and sullen as her. "I just don't know what to think." She murmured quietly, breaking their tranquility.

Kim looked up from her uneaten sandwich and voicing slowly, "I think you may want to give him a chance to explain."

Her head shook roughly, "And give him the chance to say 'sorry, but I found something better to do.' Or," She continued sarcastically, " 'you just weren't important enough to remember, and it just slipped my mind.' "

She gave a soft snort, "I don't think so. I've had enough humiliation in my time already. I don't need Zac Hanson adding to it."

Kim gave a sorrowful look to her best friend, "Why are you here?" She questioned softly, her eyes on her lunch again.

Mechelle turned her head in the direction of her friend's voice, "To see you of course."

Happy that Mechelle could not see her doubtful expression, Kim gave a restrained sigh. "Shells, you only come to me with a boy problem when you at least like the boy a little teeny tiny bit."

The light flush was enough to tell Kim she hit close to the mark, and as it deepened she realized she had a direct hit. "You do like him!" She squealed giddily.

Feeling the heat in her face, Mechelle knew her jig was up. Sighing in defeat she gave a small unsure nod. "I think I do anyway." She admitted nervously.

Silence settled around them once more, Kim beaming happily and Mechelle gnawing on her bottom lip apprehensively.


The voice jerked her from her thoughts, lifting her head she instinctively looked around. Then quietly started to curse herself for her stupidity. You're completely blind. She told herself angrily, Not selectively. You can't choose when you see or when you don't.

Kim watching the oncoming figures a skeptically, a frown creasing her forehead and tightening her lips in a thin line. "And you are?" She asked bluntly.

Mechelle, ashamed by her rudeness, tried quickly to save the stranger. "Yes? Who's there?" She called softly.

"It's Jakob."

A package of butterfly set free in her stomach; "Can't you see we were busy?" Kim asked darkly.

"Now you be nice to this young man, Kim." The physical therapist ordered good-naturedly.

He turned and gave her an easy smile, "No ma'am." He answered politely. "See, I'm blind." His hand indicated towards his guide, Kim noticing him to be one of the physical therapist's at the hospital.

Tilting his head to the side, he gave a tight smile, "Don't you stand and greet people?"

Her breath caught in her throat, "No," She answered in false sweetness, "I'm paralyzed from the waist down."

Mechelle looked horrified between the two. Already, whatever this was, was heading downhill, and fast. "Would you like a seat?" She croaked out, her hand waving towards one of the white lawn chairs.

Nodding, Jakob was helped to the seat and gave a grateful smile. "Thank you, Thomas."

The physical therapists gave a warm smile, "You're welcome, Jakob." Turning he gave Kim a warning look. "You best behave, missy." He warned, "I've got you at four o'clock, don't think I won't push you extra if you be mean."

Kim waved him off, "Psh, I'm always nice."

Thomas rolled his eyes, "Yeah, you just be sure you are."

Once Thomas had left, Kim maneuvered her chair so that she could face Jakob, "Now," She started sharply, "Why are you here?"

A cool smile grazed his lips, "Simple really," he announced calmly, "Zac's my friend. He messed up, but not on purpose. I need Mechelle to understand the real reason why."

Lowering her head, Mechelle made a small noise of disgust. His head turned in her direction, "It wasn’t you," He stated gently, "And it definitely wasn't Zac's fault.

"Then pray-tell why he stood my friend up." Kim bit out crossly, her arms folding in front of her.

"His brother was in an accident and had to go to the hospital." He said curtly.

Mechelle raised her head instantly, a soft gasp of shock escaping her lips. Oh my God. I completely screwed up.

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