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Twenty Four

Exiting the van, Zac noticed Jakob and Mechelle standing out front where he and Jakob usually did. Sighing, he murmured 'goodbye' to his parents and rushed along, going for the side entrance.

Okay, so it was the coward's way out, but he didn't want to talk with them. What else could he have done without totally ditching Seymour?

Mumbling all the way down the hall and to his room, Zac mentally cursed himself over and over.

"I figured you would try to avoid them."

Jumping, Zac turned around slowly, the key to his classroom still in hand. Seeing whom the intruder was he let out a quiet sigh, "Jeez, what is it with people wanting to scare me lately?"

Summer smiled slightly; "Didn't you know?" She asked sweetly, "With you it's just so much fun."

Making a face, Zac inserted his key in the lock and turned. Stepping back, he opened the door for her. "Come on in," he stated warily. "Cause if what I'm thinking is correct, I'm not going to want to have this conversation broadcast in the hallway."

She gave him an innocent smile; "You are so correct, Zachary." She commented, her words sugar coated, before walking swiftly into the room.

Rolling his eyes and hesitating, Zac followed, closing the door behind him. "Let's get this over with as quickly and as painlessly as possible." He grumbled before going over and sinking down in the chair behind his desk.

Summer nodded, "Good idea." Walking up to him, she slapped him in the back of the head.

"Ow!" He complained rubbing the offended area. "What'd you do that for?" He questioned angrily.

Laying her hand on the edge of the desk, she leaned against it. "Jakob enlightened me of your present situation." She replied casually, "And I have to say you are acting more moronic than usual!"

Zac glared at her, "First physical, now verbal abuse! Anymore of this, and I'm really gonna have to sic you on Tay!"

The corners of her mouth quirked before she frowned, "Really, Zac. You aren't doing very well with this situation. So that's why I'm here." She announced folding her arms. "To help you out."

"Or into a grave." He muttered sarcastically.

She grinned, "That can be arranged also. Though I would fear the teenies that would attack me for killing their precious long-haired golden-boy."

He grinned back, "Can't help they got taste."

Her eyes rolled, "Or if they've got no brains." Casually she started walking towards the door.

"That's it?" Zac asked curiously. "You call me a moron, smack me in the head, say you'd kill me if it weren't for teenies, and that's it?"

Stopping at the door, Summer tilted her head in thought. "Basically." She answered nodding. "But after you talk with Mechelle and Jakob first."

She smiled cheerfully and opened the door, ignoring him scrambling to his feet and his loud shout of 'no!'

Calmly, she invited her two guests in and greeted them warmly. "Now," she said walking back over to Zac. "If all three of you don't talk and get this ordeal over with, I will sic Doreen on you all!"

It took a few moments before everyone started hustling around for seats to get comfortable. Summer smiled in pleasure, "Good, now let's begin…"

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