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Twenty Two

Diligently, Zac picked at the mashed potatoes and poked at his green beans, but he ate barely any of it.

Sighing, he looked up and his mom finally caught his eyes. 'What's wrong?' She mouthed.

Zac was still for a moment before shaking his head and shrugging. His eyes went back to his plate of uneaten food. After a few seconds he looked back up, "May I be excused?" He murmured wearily.

Mrs. Hanson looked to her husband, who gave a small shrug, while she was nodding the phone rang.

"I'll get it." He assured, raising and quickly laying his dishes aside the sink then going for the phone on the wall.

Turning his back so his family could still enjoy their meals, he picked up the receiver. "Hello?"


"Uh huh."

'It's Jakob.'

Zac perked up a little, "What's up?"

'I have to tell you something, but you can't get mad at me.'

"Why do I not like how this conversation is starting off already?" Zac asked curiously, a wry smile twisting his lips.

'I'm serious. You have to listen to everything, and understand, and not get mad.'

He sighed impatiently, "Lemme get the cordless, I have a feeling if I do hear this, I might say a few explicit things my younger siblings and parents should not hear me saying."

Laying the phone on the counter, he gave a glance towards his family.

"Who is it, Zac?" Mrs. Hanson asked quickly.

He gave a rueful smile, "It's Jakob, I'm just going to get the cordless, so we won't bother you." He explained absent-mindedly, his mind already on the conversation ahead of him.

"Oh, okay." She answered, nodding slowly before turning back to her meal and kids.

Letting out a quiet sigh, Zac went to the living room, removed the cordless from the cradle and went back to return the kitchen phone to it's. After taking the stairs carefully, two at a time, he was in his room.

"Okay, spill it out." He muttered while flopping down backwards on his bed.

'I went and talked to Mechelle today.'

Closing his eyes, Zac nodded, then realized no matter what, Jakob couldn't see him doing that. "Okaaaaay."

He took a deep breath, 'Zac, I told her about your accident and everything that followed after. Seymour, the therapy, the operation...'

Zac's hand clenched the phone tightly, his teeth clenched as well. "And why did you do a thing like that?" He questioned darkly between his closed teeth.

'I had to explain to her what happened, why you weren't there. She thought you abandoned her. I had to set the record straight for you.'

The blood boiled in his veins and Zac couldn't get his tensed muscles to relax. "Jakob, that information was never to be released." He croaked out, his throat so tight and dry it hurt.

'I know, but I was trying to help you out! I couldn't let her think that about you, Zac.'

"Next time, I hope you do. See you later, Jakob." He replied caustically, before hitting the end button and closing his eyes again. What have you done, Jakob. He thought painfully, what have you done?

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