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Nacho Man's Game Cheats

Welcome to Nacho Man's Game Cheats. We are constantly adding cheats, but if there's a game cheat you want that we don't have, e-mail us and we'll add it. We can find cheats for almost *any game* for you.

Please support this page by clicking on the ads. We can keep adding cheats if people keep paying our bills by clicking on the ads.

--Nacho Man

Check out this kewl new feature: click on the arrows to see more cheats for lots of games! It will not cause any pop up windows or ads.

E mail Nacho Man

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Nacho Man's Jokes coming soon!

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Corridor 7
Carmageddon (one)
Duke Nukem
Grand Theft Auto
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Sim City 2000
Rainbow 6
Test Drive 4
Tomb Raider 2
Warcraft (one)
Warcraft 2
Worms 2

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