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This forum, which is hosted by New Age Network China (NANC), is dedicated to the discussion of New Age,Chinese Qigong,ESP and traditional medicine(TM) and other spiritual related topics.Chinese GB, English are encouraged in this area, if you can only input Chinese BIG5, please try the discussion board of Chinese New Age Society(CNAS).Since there are little forum of this kind on the net,we hope this one will meet your interests and may you have a good time.
本论坛是中国新时代网(NANC)主办的留言讨论区,这里着重讨论的议题包括: 新时代、气功、特异功能、中医、生命科学、哲学、宗教等等的议题。由于目前在网 上似乎较为缺乏类似的讨论园地,所以我们希望籍此论坛能有助于国内在这些问题上 的讨论和交流。因为技术上的原因,现在有许多人还只能输入GB和BIG5中的一种内 码,所以如果您不能在此GB码区讨论的话,可以前往中华新时代协会的BIG讨论区。 欢迎您踊跃发表高论。