In Indian folklore, a demon which appears as a black figure with yellow
or flaming hair, and wearing a wreath of entrails. Their name literally
means "destroyer", and rakshasas are considered to be evil and hostile
to mankind. They can take many shapes, including beautiful men and women
and animals or birds, such as dogs, vultures and owls. Generally, however,
they are monstrous in appearance, with huge bellies, slits for eyes and
matted hair. If not black, they are yellow, green or blue.
Rakshasas are nocturnal creatures and have disgusting habits, such as eating
human flesh and drinking human blood from the skull. Despite their
formidable evil powers, rakshasas, like many demonic beings, are reputed
to be dimwitted. According to Indian lore, one may banish them simply
by saying 'uncle'.