Gold | They're queens and they know it. Golds are female, and total prisses. They need their own cave, with tons of stuff. They will only mate with the silver, and usually produce small clutches, consisting of mostly golds and silvers. |
Silver | The galiant male a silver is. They long for company, are loyal, and really polite. They usually mate with queens, but they can also mate with reds. |
Green | Ahhh, the silent green. Always female, always silent. These dragons do better alone, but they do enjoy company. They seldom talk, and are content sitting in a corner, curled up by a fire. They can mate with blues and browns. |
Red | The exact opposite of greens. They flourish in crowds. They find themselves to be of higher class than the queens, and therefore, reds can never live with a queen. They can mate with any male, and often mate with silvers. |
Blue | Blues. What can I say about blues?? These male dragons have a sense of mystery about them, and make great parents. They can mate with all females except the gold. |
Brown | You're in for a handfull if you adopt a brown. They are loud, hyper, but a real laugh. They get along great with literally everything, and do better in a large cave with few others. They can mate with any female, except the queen. |