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Yes the old beast is fianlly alive again so this is the first real ride I have been on! The weather is getting really nice here and i have more time now that I am doing easier courses so stay tuned Cause I plan on doing allot more riding! Also if you got a ride report or story to tell mail it to me and I will put it here!


Well went out riding for the first time in a long while yesterday! I am just so happy to get my odyssey going again that I have decided not to sell it! well around here we dont have dunes we have mud trails! There is nothing wrong with mud but you do get dirty in these things due to lack of fenders! ask anyine who knows they’ll tell you! Well I have always been scared to take the odyssey to many places far off the main trials becasue if it ever broke It would be a bitch to get out of there! While for what ever reason I have come over that fear!(I dont know why when I just rebuild the motor and should be weary) but anyways I am not! Know I go places where my d-bike frineds wont go! Well I am the only one with a ATV around here besides some guy who has an ATC 185 who never rides. Well I usually get stuck behind all the bikes because no wants do ride behind me becasue as soon as I hit something soft it is in there face. So as usuall I was taging along behind just gettin bent and so on when they decided they were going to go up this old logging road. Well as usuall they said “oh we’ll meet you on the other side!” Well not this time! I said I will mee you guys on the other side!( they tend to be a bit erogant of the ody like it isnt as good) si I pulled around and just gunned it up the big hill that leads to the loggin road. Well I made it up quite easily and proceeded to wait for them. One friend on his Xr200 came up with out incedent, while my other friend proceeded to get stuck and then try andpush and while I drove back down and flew up the hill again right past em! whil afterm a few minutes we were all finally at the top. Here thought the trail gets a littlr ruff. There are a few large rocks and low trees that are across the trail! as usual I just flew over the rocks with only a few large clunks as my skid plates come in so handy! I then just putted under the tree and again had to wait! then we hit a bit more of the wode open trial. this is where I like the ody the most! Just get bent around this corner and that corner! While we roda along here for about 15 minutes util coming to the large mud pit we have never ventured through. While I figured I would just wait and see how bad it was and let them go through first becasue getting 600 pounlds stuck is not too fun trust me! While they just stuck to the left and no problem they just putted through! I fugured no problem! Whil I proceede to to creep through and suddenly the front wheels were up to the hubs in mud! I figured all go! I just floored it out and suddenly I was on the other side! No big deal other than foot deep ruts and all the mud from those ruts on my ody! In stopped and cleaned it off a bit and carried on! Now I really didnt care about getiin dirty. While we kept on going dwon the trail even though it kept getiing ruffer and ruffer! Whil eventually we came to a part that just got so ruff we turned back!(I kept gettin high centered on my skid plates it was so ruff) Whil on the way bacn we went a different way which was a bit ruffer than the first! We rode through the mud again and this time I used a bit different technique! the full throtle run! I made it and actually I dont think I got as dirty! This works fine because it is just mud no water on top! While just after the mud we took a left and went up a large rocky kind a hill! I think I spun the tires all the way from top to bottom but never the less made it up! When we got to the top the trail was pretty ruff for me casue there was allot of ruts and sticks and other loggin remaints. On the bikes it is not so bad casue you can just ride in the rutts! but with the ody you kinda stratle them and they are jsut the wron width! but with study throtlle and string wrists it isnt a large deal! whil we finally got to the trail head near the top of the mountain(ok its not really a mountain just a 900 foot hill) While right near the end there was a small drop off of about a foot and a log that I didnt see! While I figured I wouldm just gas off the bank gently and no pronblem! Well this would have worked fine had I have seen the log and been able to avoid. While unfortunetly I came off the bank fine and upon landing cliped it with my right front rim and bent it all to crap. had I had my douglas aluminums on at the time i would of just backed up and cariied on! but No longer do I have my douglases casue I sold them to my friend (long story they were fro his 250x) and made a bit of money casue he needed them a bit worse so no I have stock rims! Well now it sucks casue I had to drive home with a bent rim! it really gets annoying casue the steerin wheel noe throbs side to side a bit! At least with the triple E heavy duty tied rods I didnt hurt those casue if it had been the stock tie rods They would be bent like a half moon! Well that was yesterdays riding experience I am sure tommorow will hold a whole new adventure! Unitl next time chow! and have fun and next time look before you drive!

