Buki's Random Homepage This is our friend Bianca's random homepage. Of course, our page will ever be more random, but Bianca tried really hard to come up to the standards which we have set.
Jess and Ania's 100 Acre Woods The coolest Winnie the Pooh page ever! Lots of cute pics and such.
Mila's Happy Insane Page Mila's very odd page.
Bronwen's Homepage Bronwen's homepage that she made in her spare time. Has a very good gal-empowering site.
Seventeen magazine online Some pretty cool stuff. Weekly astrological forecasts.
Pokémon Official Site! Kate, as well as our other classmates, are obsessed with Pokémon. Bronwen, however, is not. This is going on our page by popular demand only. "Kate is not obsessed with Pokémon," says Kate, "she just thinks Pikachu is really cute."
Hotmail Free e-mail but it's pretty slow.
Gurlmail More free e-mail. This one's faster.
Buffy The Vampire Slayer's Official Site The best show in the world.
Time Wasting Links If you have nothing better to do, go here.
Wallace And Gromit A really cute claymation show, and the place where we got the animated Gromit and the little picture of claymation sheep on the main page.
Pillsbury This is where we got the doughboy picture.
Top Ten Lists Of Randomness (and such) Megz and Alya's page, with top ten lists which are still under construction.
Alamak Chat A chat room.
Pokemon's Tavern Another place for pokemon lovers, with pix, info and those cute Pikachus with pokeballs.
The Sort Of Mr.Potato Head Page A really cool page where you can put eyes, noses etc. on assorted fruits.