Will My Life Story Fit On This Page?
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Will My Life Story Fit On This Page?

Hmmmmm..where to start? Well,I am the oldest of 10 children,Dad was a frenchmen..oui? I have 4 sisters and five brothers,I have 1 hubby, 3 children, 2 stepsons,2 grandsons,3 granddaughters and 33 nieces and nephews between the ages of 8 to 31

I like coming from a big family,there is always someone to talk too.I think we are a pretty close knit family,even if some of us live far apart.We know we are there for each other in times of need,I am married for the second time around to a wonderful,caring,kindhearted man.I love him with all of my heart and soul.

I have very good freinds,and do not take this for granted,but feel very blessed.One can never have too many friends.

I am enjoying my role as Nana very much,my grandsons and granddaughters bring me so much joy and always brings a smile to my face when I think of them.

I will be the big 54 in September/2004,but still feel as if I am in my 20's,my bones may say different :) I have many interests and hobbies to keep me out of trouble. First of all...music! I do not think I would ever be able to get along without it it makes me feel happy and alive.I love ALL music,except for classical(which of course is my hubbys favourite).

I also love oriental items, tea sets,fans dolls and chinese jewelery boxes,kimonos,paintings,etc

I love to cook big dinners and have people over,and they say I make enough food to feed a small army,I guess that comes from being brought up in a big family. I am now hooked on doing weights and walking, feel so full of energy afterwards.

All the kids have left the nest,except for my 33 yr old Autistic daughter,she will be home for a long time yet..and I enjoy having her home,but would like to have more freedom at times.But I have a very good life..so I can't really complain. She has come along way from when she was young..she is a smart cookie that one.

And I love my computer, and all that it lets me do.This modern tech stuff is just great! I have met some wonderful people through the net,from as far away as Sweden and South Africa...to the town next door.Where else can you meet people from such different cultures and religions and countries..and all in one day!

Some Little Tidbits Of Moi!

My Favourite Color: All shades of Purple (A fantaic really!)

My Favourite Food: Chinese!! & Seafood & anything BBQ'D

My Favourite Movies: Legends of the Fall, Fried Green Tomatos,Awakenings & Rainman & All Comedys

My Favourite Authour: Kathleen O'Neal Gear & Belva Plains

My Favourite Drink: Ruby Red Grapefruit Juice,Diet Green Apple drink

My Favourite Hobbies: Working Out,Reading,Computers,Music

My Favourite Things: Spending time with my Family and Friends

My Favourite Actress: Meg Ryan & Julia Roberts,Julianna Moore

My Favourite Actor: Brad Pitt & Richard Gere, Tom Hanks

My favourite Singer: Too Many to Mention

My favourite Saying: Don't judge a book by its cover!

These are the things in my life that bring me happiness!

My familys good health,my grandchildrens smiles and laughter, hearing my favorite song on the radio

The smell of fresh homemade bread,Snow faling at Christmas,birds chirping in the early morning,a sunny day, corny sounding, but true.

making someone laugh,when my scale lies and says I have lost a few pounds *S*,watermelon on a hot Summer day.

Tucked in a soft cozy comforter with a good book and the love of my family and freinds,thats all I need to be happy