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~What is Dixie?~
Most of ya might just be surfin' thru here an don't know what tha heck Dixie really is. Most of you probably don't even care. But wer'e gonna tell ya about us anyway.

Dixie College is a junior college in southwestern Utah, located in St. George about an hour away from Las Vegas. St. George is the last city in the state of Utah. Every year, Dixie College gets a grip of Poly students. A whole lot from Utah, and a whole lot from Hawaii, but they come from every part of the country. All of us different races, all of us from different backgrounds, but all of us kick it tight.

Most of the Polys come to Dixie for our athletic program. Our basketball and baseball teams are usually nationally ranked. But football is why most of us come out here. Our football team was ranked 2nd in the nation for J.C.'s and our defense ranked 1st in the 1997 season. Our mascot is the "Rebels" and our colors are red and white. There are several Dixie alumni in the NFL, but we won't mention names, before we leave somebody out.

Most of you might be wondering what this "Shiloh" word is all about. Shiloh is the name of the dormitory that almost all of the polys live in. It's one of the most ghetto lookin buildings that you've ever seen at a school before. Some people drive by and think we live in the projects. But we call it home, and we like it.........sometimes. Shiloh is where we always kick it, outside talking story, or walking around looking for food, this is where we are at all the time.

If you have any questions about Dixie College you can email us, or check out the Dixie College Homepage. If you are thinking you might wanna be part of tha "Rebel Family" you should definitely visit the Dixie page and find out about it, or email us at We got love for our poly bro's and sistahz.