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Lucky's Top 10 Fav Links!

1. American Girl.com
2. Nickeloden....kids rule!
3. The Site Fights Homepage- - -the 1st Internet Sport
4. Garfield.com!!!
5. Jim Henson's Muppets Web Site!
6. Star Wars.com!!!
7. Visit the colorful world of Lisa Frank!
8. Keebler.com- - -become an offical honorary elf!
9. Crayola.com!!!
10.~*LINK OF THE WEEK*~ This is the awesome webpage of the Kings Local School District FirecrackersJump Roping Team! They have even been featured in American Girl Magizine!

We Need Your Opinions!!! Tell Us Your Fav Sites And Why They're Special! The coolest links will appear on "Lucky's Top 10" !

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