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This Anne Heche Webring site is owned by Monica.

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This We Love Addie's Spot site is owned by
--Moni and Pumbaa--.

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This isn't an organization or ring of any kind, but I feel that everyone should know about the little girl pictured below. Her name is Abbi Fell, and she is in desperate need of a heart transplant. Abbi is a beautiful, bright earth-bound angel, and she needs the prayers and the love of everyone who sees this picture. Please, make a place in your heart and on your web site for Abbi.

This Clan of the Faerie Web Ring site is owned by (Moni and Pumbaa) .

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home next This Cottingley Glen Web Ring site is owned by
Moni and Pumbaa .

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Cottingley Glen Web Ring?

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This The Faery Thicket site owned by Moni and Pumbaa.
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Background by Jackie.