IN BETWEEN Maybe I’ll see you tonight in that hazy place where my dreams come and go. Times like this, when I’m between light and dark are the hardest. can’t dream can’t wake up ... floating out there, somewhere beyond the galaxy, but within my mind’s eye. I don’t think I can make it tonight, lying here by myself, the night stretching ahead of me, not knowing what’s out there or what’s in here. The Sunrise is years away and I’m old now...or so it seems. The Day left me, lost and wandering, in between, in the place where I can’t dream.
DANCIN' Strrrrretch. ahhhhhh.. pull me closer..yeah, that’s it. wanna dance some more baby? yeah? then kiss my cheek and ask me nicely... Come on Mama show me what you’re worth. five minute sways are pricey these days huh? but you’re worth it with an ass like that, you’re worth it. Bitch! Back off, this is a private party. Us Two, we’re making this one happen all on our own, so step back. can’t ya see I’m dancin’? CALL ME WHEN YOU GET