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Fruit Wines

Apple Wine (1)

6 kg mixed apples

pears and quinces for bouquet

5 litres water

5 kg sugar

pectin enzyme

sodium metabisulphite tablet


Dissolve pectin enzyme and sodium metabisulphitetablet in the water. Cut the apples into small pieces and drop them in the water. Cover the vessel and leave in a warm place for 24 hours. In the mean time, activate the yeast. The next day add the yeast and then ferment on the pulp for four days, pressing down the pulp twice daily. Strain the pulp and add the sugar to the liquid, and continue fermentation in a demijohn under airlock. When the bubbles stop rising, rack, add some sodium metabisulphite to stop fermentation, add a tablespoon of milk to clarify it and store for six months before bottling.

Apple Wine (2)

3.5 kg mixed chopped apples, not peeled.

225 grams raisins

900 grams sugar

1/2 tsp citric acid

1 tsp pectin enzyme

5 litres water

yeast nutrient


Pour boiling water over all ingredients except yeast, nutrinent and pectin enzyme. When cooled to 25 degrees Celcius, add activated yeast, pectin enzyme and yeast nutrient. Ferment on pulp for three days then strain into demijohn. Place airlock on and leave until fermentation is finished.

(canned) Apricot Wine

850 grams canned apricots

790 grams sugar

5 litres water

1/2 tsp pectin enzyme


Crush the apricots in the primary fermentation vessel and add the sugar and 4 litres of water. Stir thouroughly, then add yeast, pectin enzyme and yeast nutrient. Place in a warm place for a week. After a week, strain the pulp and place into a demijohn. Rack as necessary and bottle when fermentation has ceased.

More recipes to come eventually.

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