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Nut and Grain Wines

Almond Wine

60 grams almonds

rind and juice of one lemon, one orange and one grapefruit

450 grams raisins

1.3 kg sugar

5 litres water

yeast nutrient


Chop the almonds and raisins, add the rinds and simmer for half an hour. Strain and add the juice to the sugar. When cool, add the fruit juices, yeast nutrient and yeast. Ferment, rack, mature. It will have a white oil floating on it which is quite difficult to get rid of, but it is worth it in the end.

Broadbean Wine

900 grams dried broadbean seeds

1.25 kg sugar

110 grams chopped sultanas

juice and rind of one lemon

5 litres of water


yeast nutrient

Boil beans for two hours, strain onto sultanas, sugar and fruit rinds. When cool, add fruit juices, nutrient and yeast. Ferment five days, press, and strain into demijohn. Finish as a dry wine and leave till mature. It is best as a dry wine.

Coffee Wine

225 grams instant coffee or coffee essence

1/2 tsp tannic acid

1.125 kg sugar

juice of two lemons

5 litres of water

Stir everything into water at about 25 degrees Celcius and ferment in demijohn. Shouldn't need fining or racking.

Walnut Wine

60 grams walnuts

rind and juice of one lemon, one orange and one grapefruit

450 grams raisins

1.3 kg sugar

5 litres water

yeast nutrient


Chop the walnuts and raisins, add the rinds and simmer for half an hour. Strain and add the juice to the sugar. When cool, add the fruit juices, yeast nutrient and yeast. Ferment, rack, mature. It will have a white oil floating on it which is quite difficult to get rid of, but it is worth it in the end.

Wheat Wine

675 grams wheat

1.125 kg sugar

450 grams raisins

450 grams sultanas

rind and juice of one lemon, one orange and one grapefruit

5 litres of water


yeast nutrient

Crush wheat, chop fruit and place into a container. Add the rinds and sugar and pour the boiling water over the top. When cool, add the fruit juices, nutrient and yeast. Ferment one week, pressing down the cap daily. Strain into demijohn and continue fermentation, finishing as a sweet wine.

More recipes to come

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