Landmarks of History -INDIA

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Thankyou for your interest of to knowing of Landmarks of Indian History.Here I find  some
Brief landmarks of Indian history.So,you read all the this and send additions,corrections,and comments to Please give me a few days to respond as I no longer
have a direct net connection at work every day. Also, this list may be updated more quickly
than I can respond personally to email. 

550    :      Compositions of Upanishads.

544(?)      Traditional Date of the Buddhas Nirvans.

527(?)      Accession of  Darius 1 in persia.

518   :       Darius sends scylax on naval expedation down the indus : persian
                conquest of north west India: Formation of Persian satrapy in India.

326   :       Alexander  invades India 323: Death  of Axelender.

321   :       Chandragupta unseats the Nanda dyanasty  in Patliputra  and found
                 the Mauryan dyanasty. Kautilya, the Chief Minister of chandragupta,
                 writes Arthasastra (Science of Government ).

272-232 :  Region of Ashoka.

185  :        Pashyamitra,the Mauryan General overthrows the last Mauryan Emperor
                 Brihadratha and founds the Sanga dynasty.

145  :        Chola king Erata conquers ceylon.Kharavela builds up an empire Kalinga.

 58   :        The Krita-Malava-Vikrama era.

 30   :        Saavahana dynasty in the Deccan.Pandyan Empire in the far south.

 26   :        A Pandya king sends an ambassador to Rome.Chera kings in Kerala.

A.D.40 :    The sakas or Scythian in power in the Indus Valley and Western India.

52   :         Parthian King Gondopharnes in North West India.St. Thomas brgins preaching
                 in India.

 78  :         Saka Era begins.

98-117:    Kanishka,the scythian King.

320  :        Chandraguda I establishes the Gupta dynasty-Gupta Era begins.

360  :        Samudra Gupta conquers the whole of North-ern India and much of the Deccan.

380-413:  Chandragupta Vikramaditya-The Golden Age of the Guptas-Literary  Renewal of

606  :       Accession of Harsha Vardhana.

609  :       Rise of the Chalukyas.

622  :       Era of the Hejira begins.

711  :       Invasion of Sind by Muhammad Bin Kassim.

753  :       Rise of the Rashtrakuta Empire.

892  :       Rise of the Eastern Chalukyas.

985  :       The Chola Dynasty-Rajaraja the Great.

1026:       Sack of Somnath by Mahmub of Ghazni.

1191:       Prithvi Raj Chauhan,King of Delhi,routs Muhammad Ghori-the first battle of Tarain.

1192:       Muhammad Ghori defeats Prithvi Raj-second battle Tarain.

1206:       Qutbuddin Aybek establishes the slave dynasty at Delhi.

1221:       Mongol invasion under Genghis Khan.

1232:        Foundation of the Qutub Minar

1290:        Jalaludin Firuz Khiljiestablishes the khiji dynasty at Delhi.

1298:        Marco polo visits India

1320:        Ghiyasuddin Tughluk founds the Tughluk dynasty at Delhi.

1333:        Ibn Batutah arrives in India.

1336:        Founding of Vijayanagar(Deccan).

1398:        Timur invades India.

1424:        Rise of the Bahmani dynasty(Deccan)

1451:        The Lodi dynasty-Bahlul Lodi ascends the throne of Delhi.

1469:        The Birth of Guru Nanak Dev.

1489:        Adil Shah dynasty at Bijapur.

1490:        Nizam Shahi dynasty at Ahmadnagar

1498:        Vasco da Gana lands at Calicut.

1510:        Portuguese  capture Goa-Albuquerque Governor.

1518:        Kutab Shahi dynasty at Golconda.

1526:        First Battle of Panipat-Babur defeats the lodis-Establishment of the  Mughal dy-

1530:        Humayun succeeds Babur.

1539:        Death of Guru Nanak Dev;Sher Shah defeats Humayan and becomes emperor of

1555:        Humuyan recovers the Delhi throne from Eslam Shah,successor of Sher Shah.

1556:        Death of humayun-Accession of Akbar.Akbar defeats Hemu at the second dattle of

1564:        Akbar abolishes'Jiziya'or poll tax on Hindus.

1565:        Battle of Talikota-An alliance of muslim rulers in Deccan defeats and   destroys ijay-
                 -anagar Empire.

1571:        Foundation of Fatehpur Sikri by Akbar.

1576:        Battle of Heldighat.Akbar defeats  Rana Pratap Singh  of Mewar.

1582:        Akbar proclaims Din llahi or Divine Faith-an attempt at synthesising Hinduism and

1597:        Akbar completes his conquests.Death of Rana Pratap.

1600:        English East India Company constituted.

1602:        Netherlands East India Company formed.

1604:        Compilation of "Adi Granth" the Holy  Book of sikhs.

1605:        Death of Akbar and the accession of Jehangir.

1606:        The Dutch open a factory at Pulicat.

1611:        The English build a factory at masulipatam.

1627:        Death of Jehangir-Accession of Shah Jehan-Birth of Shivaji.

1631:        Death of Shah Jehan's wife Mumtaz Mahal-The building of the Taj Mahal.

1639:        Fort St.George at Madras by the English.

1658:        Aurangzed becomesEmperor of Delhi.

1664:        Shivaji assumes royal title.

1666:        Birth of Guru Gobind Singh.

1675:        Martyrdom:Guru Gobind Singh.

1699:        Guru Gobind Singh creates 'Khalsa'.

1707:        Death of Aurangzed.

1708:        Guru Gobind Singh dies.

1720:        Accession of Baji Rao Peshwa at Poona.

1739:        Nadir Shah of Persia conquers Delhi.

1742:        Marathas invade Bengal-Depleix,French Governor of Pondicherry.

1748:        First Anglo-French War.

1757:        Battle of Plassey-The English defeat Siraja Daulah-Mir Jafar,Nawab of Bengal.

1760:        Battle of Wandiwash-The English defeat the French.

1761:        Third Battle of Panipat-Ahmed Shah Abdali,the ruler of Afghanistan,defeats   the
                 Marathas-Maratha imperialism checked.

1764:        Battle of Buxar-the English defeat Mir kasim.

1765:        The English get Diwani Rights in Bengal,Bhir and Orissa-Clive,Governor  in Bengal.
1766:        The English secure Northern Circars in the Carnatic.

1766-69:  First Mysore war-The Birtish conclude a humiliating peace with Hyder Ali of Mysore.

1772:        Warren Hastings,Governor of Bengal.

1773:        The Regulating Act by the British Parliament.

1775-82:   The Anglo-Maratha war:The Treaty of salbai.

1780:        Birth:Maharaja Ranjit Singh.

1780-84:   The second Mysore war.The English defeat Hyder Ali.

1784:        Pitt's  India Act.

1790-92:  Third Mysore war between the English and Tipu-Treaty of Seringapatam.

1793:        Permanent Settlement of bengal.

1796:        Marquess of Wellesley Governor General.

1799:        Fourth Mysore War-The English defeat Tipu-Death of Tipu-Partition of Mysore.

1801:        The English annex the carnatic.

1803-5:    Second Anglo-Maratha War.British under Sir Arthur Wellesley inflict a  crushing
                 defact on the Marathas at Assaye.

1817-19:  Marathas finally crushed.

1828:        Lord William Bentick becomes Governor General-Era of social Suppression of
                 Thugs(1837). reforms-Prohibition of   sati(1829).

1831:        Rise of the Sikhs under Ranjit Singh.

1839:        Maharaja Ranjit Singh dies.

1845-46:   First Anglo-Sikh War-Sikhas defeated.

1848:        Lord Dalhousie Governor General.

1948-49:  Second Anglo-Skih war-Sikhs defeated in dattle(1848).The British annex Punjab.

1853:        First Indian Railway -Bombay to Thana.

1857-58:  First war of Indian Independence.

1858:       British Crown takes over the Indian Government-Queen Victoria's Proclamation.

1861:       Indian Councils Act-Indian High Courts Act-Indian Penal Code.

1868:       Railyway opened from Ambala to Delhi.

1877:       Delhi Durbar-The Queen of England proclaimed Empress of India.

1878:       Vernacular Press Act.

1881:       Factory Act-Rendition of Mysore-Mysore state restored to its original ruler.

1885:       Ind.Nat.Congress-First meeting.

1892:       Indian Council Act to regulate Indian administration.

1899:       Lord Curzon becomes Governor General and Viceroy.

1905:       First partition of Bengal.

1906:       Formation of the Muslim League.

1908:       Newspapers Act.

1911:       King George V and Queen Mary hold Durbar in Delhi.Partition of Bengal
                notified to create the Presidency on Bengal.The Imperial captial shifted from
               Calcutta to Delhi.

1914:      The First World War begins.

1915:      Defence of India act.

1918:      World War ends.
1919:      Rowlatt Act intended to perpetuate the extraordinary powers enjoyed by the
               Government during the war provikes country-wide protests.The massacre at
               Jalianwallabagh. Ali brothers and Maulana Abul kalam Azad start the Khilafat
               movement (for restoring the Turkish Khalifate)with Gandhiji's support.Perfect
               Hindu-Muslim accord. Montague-Chelmsford Reforms offer limited provincial
               autinimy to Indians.

1920:      Congress okays non-cooperation movement.Students leave colleges,lawyers leave
               practice.Bonfire of British clothes, show populardissatisfaction with the reforms.
1921:      Moplah(Muslim)redellion in Malabar.Visit of the prince of wales.Nationwide
               hartal.Census on India.
1922:      Civil Disobedience Movement.Congress makes Gandhiji sole leader of Bardoli
               satyagraha.Outburst of violence at chauri chaura.Gandhiji suspends movement on this
1923:      Swarajya party started bt C.R.Das and Motilal Nehru.Swarajists propose to enter the