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We had to do project where we had to write a suicide letter or a goodbye letter from Juliet to her parents. This is my letter.

May 16, 1601

Dear Mother and Father,

I have no easy way to tell thee this. Two days ago at thine party my eyes were laid upon the most exuberant man I had ever seen. We danced and spoke words and immediately fell under cupids spell. That night he stumble’d upon my balcony and we exchanged vows. The next morn we met and were married. The man I love and married is none other then one of our life long foes. His name is Romeo, and a Montague. Since by thy will, my husband was banashe’d, I shall no longer stay in fair Verona. By the time thou reads this I’ll be in Mantua with my love. I know what grievance this shall make for thee. I am sorry for all faults I make, therefore please forgive me. Please do not follow me. My mind is set and my heart is given. Give my condolences to Paris.

Love Always,
