Iron Glory Records is the record label of Jorg Knittel, from Sacred Steel. If you are here as a fan of Sacred Steel, you will like almost all of these bands. Each band section will have a little about their music and a couple of soundfiles. I will add two or three bands with each update

Note: Each of these pages is very bare-bones at the moment. They will be enhanced upon as time goes on. Right now, they are pretty much links and soundfiles. But that should tell you alot about the bands. Give them all a chance, they all rock! 

Active Pages

Savers- Power metal with a very good vocalist. He goes all over the place with his singing style. One of the       many swords/battleaxes type of lyrical styles on the Iron Glory label.

Azmodan- Black metal with some haunting keyboards. All of the instruments are done by one guy, Lord      Admodan. This is very good stuff!

Morbid Jester- Iron Glory's site calls this "Teutonic Metal". I'm not sure what that means, this sounds a lot like power metal with some active 80's influences to me. Very good, catchy stuff in my opinion. 


Pages Not Yet Completed


Manilla Road- Classic 80's Metal

Black Destiny- Power Metal

Destillery- Power Metal