11/23/00- Big News, Webpage Wise. I have begun work on a section for Iron Glory Records, which is the record label of Jorg Knittel. 3 band pages are up now with more to follow! Most of the bands on the label will be liked by those who like Sacred Steel. Many of the bands are also underground, so you've probably never heard of any of them. So here's a good chance to find out about more bands you'll like. In band related news, the official site reports that the Metal Blade three album deal is over. There are some options for Sacred Steel, i'll report whatever I hear when I hear it! Back to the page, there was a vinyl only track released on the vinyl version of Bloodlust. I'm going to see if I am allowed to put it up here. If I am, that would be cool. If not, we all must respect the bands decision to keep this track vinyl-only. Thats it for now, but stay tuned to Silent Anger for all the latest soundfiles for the metal genre in general.  

8/10/00- Ok here I am... Back with some more stuff. According to the official page, Sacred Steel is doing another cover song, this time Uriah Heep's "Return To Fantasy" for a tribute. Page news.. updated the front page a little, am going to try to get together a little fan review of Bloodlust. Also going to try to email the band about a couple more things. So it might not seem to updated right now but things are going into place. In other news, why the hell can't I see any of the images on this site? I did an update in March which screwed everything up. Woah, theres the picture back! Alright! So anyway, enjoy the site and I'll have more soon enough! But if you need to see something fresh, there is always Silent Anger, and if you don't like the consistent plugs, stop clicking on the links cause that is why I keep doing it :) 

3/21/00- The new album, Bloodlust is coming out in just about a month from now! Due out April 25th, 2000 (in Europe), Bloodlust is a concept album that follows along the lines of "Sword of The King" and "Dethrone The Tyrant King." Sword of the King is the beginning of the story, Dethrone is Chapter VII.... An interesting note is that Alan Tecchio from Hades, NonFiction, and Watchtower is a guest backup vocalist on here. No U.S. release date yet, I am going to ask Metal Blade about that though. In other news, there is some German band out there called Tragedy Divine. That is NOT the Tragedy Divine that broke up that had Sacred Steel
members in it. Hope this didn't cause any confusion. I'll be back soon with a more extensive look at the album, some new links,and some new pictures. But until then, check out Silent Anger where you can always hear some awesome bands each week. 

1/10/00- I feel really bad not updating the page, so I am going to throw some stuff on over the next few weeks. I haven't heard any news, but Jorg has said that I could do another Q&A with the band, so if anyone has any questions they would like to ask the band send them over to me. Every question will be used. Send them to anathema4@hotmail.com and if you could, put Sacred Steel Question or something like that in the subject so I don't mistake it for junk mail and delete it right away. I would also like to note that Sacred Steel has appeared on the recent tribute to Accept put out by Nuclear Blast. They do the song Fight It Back. You can order through Nuclear Blast itself, Amazon.com, or (best deal) from Neil At Alta Mira. Also, although this is a Sacred Steel page, I may put up a soundfile from the band Dawn Of Winter, which features Jorg and Gerritt. Not much like Sacred Steel, but it is related. That would be happening in the next few weeks. So keep checking back in, and I still promise a big update to accompany the new album. What would the news page be without me plugging Silent Anger, where you can get heavy metal soundfiles which are different each week?

9/18/99- Still not a lot of stuff going on. I just thought it would be fair to leave an update so that you don't think I am ignorning my responsibilities here or anything, heh! I don't feel too bad, cause the official Sacred Steel page doesn't have as much news as me. But I am going to get together some news, and hopefully report back here in a few weeks. If I don't, it's because I didn't find anything. In the meantime, I am going to add a few small things to hopefully put some more light into this page. Thanks for all the support, and don't forget Silent Anger when you are done browsing the Sacred Steel pages!

6/2/99- Not a whole lot going on in the Sacred Steel camp these days, I guess. And not much going on with the page either (sorry!) Here's my plans for the page: right now, I am going to do some touch ups, add some links and so on. When the third album is ready to come out, I will have a complete overhaul of the page. Well, not complete, but I will have new sounds, and hopefully some new info. The reason I made this page is to have some Sacred Steel info since it was so hard to come by. Well now I am doing the page, and still can't find out some info on them! Heh.. I'll work on it though. ACTUAL NEWS ITEM alert: I have found that Dawn Of Winter are going to be on the Demon tribute album. Dawn of Winter is a doom band with Jorg and Gerritt in it. I'm going to hopefully have a few Dawn Of Winter Soundfiles up here at some point. Until the next update, enjoy. Remeber to visit Silent Anger, thats a metal soundfiles website which is updated weekly and maintained by yours truly.

1/14/99- Lots of stuff going on. First off, the tour in Europe is now Nevermore, Lefay (Formerly known as Morgana Lefay), and Nocturnal Rites and Sacred Steel are sharing the opening slot. All four bands are awesome, and if you live anywhere in the area where these shows are taking place you should check it out! US Release date for Wargods of Metal: February 9th, 1999. Check out the soundfiles area for a preview of Wargods! Tour dates (from Metal Blade USA, i take no responsibility if there is an error) are now available! In page design news, I have discontinued the links page. Simple reason: I do another page, Silent Anger with my friend. The links page there is much more comprehensive than this one. ALSO, it's easier to have one links page for all of my pages. Much easier to update and to make it better. So clicking on links now takes you to the Silent Anger links page. I am also going to work on a contacts page, it should be done by the time you read this.

12/23/98- Some news to report now. Sacred Steel is set to tour Europe in March with Nevermore (headlining), Nocturnal Rites, and Hyperion. Since there is such a small amount of news at this point, I'll put up some information and links for these sites on the next news update. I'll also try to get some tour dates, as well as try to weasel the US release date of Wargods of Metal out of Metal Blade USA. So stay tuned! In the meantime, check out Silent Anger for great real audio soundfiles. Stay tuned for more updates in the coming weeks!

10/29/98 - No real news to report anout the band right now. I'm in the middle of a huge page update, I think it is coming across good. The key element to this new design is the new album soundfiles. Hopefully I can get them up later today and you will have them by the time you read this. I'm also in the process of trying to hook up with the band for some interesting stuff I can put on the page. I actually have a couple of contacts now, so hopefully the page will grow information wise. I'm also considering adding a tour dates page, but I will only do this if I can find someone who can supply up-to-date, reliable tour dates. Other than that, I hope you enjoy the links page! I put many of my favorite bands and pages on this. See you later!