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I just want to be able to say "Thank-You" to a few people who have made my Web experience that much easier and that much more fun!!
If your name isn't here, doesn't mean I don't care, just isnt here!!

I found you on only about my second day on the Net, & you've come to my rescue more than a few times, you and AND puter-wise!!
You've always given me confidence in my own abilities. 
I always enjoy hearing an "uh-oh" from you; come my way. 
Thank you for all that you've done for me, I really do appreciate it!

Dan, thank you for your time, encouragement, laughs, wisdom, friendship, just the works.  You have given me more help than you will ever ever realize.....
You are a wonderfully sensitive man, and I delight in your company. 
Thank you for sharing YOU with me & helping me through some really tough times.

With out you I would never have ventured to make a web-page. convinced me so this is all your fault!!!
I'm sure not a day went by that I didn't bug you, when this site first began over  2 yrs ago.  You have been a well of information, guidance & help...I thank you.

Ups, downs & side-a-ways....been thru a bit in the last few years aint we!
Dh dramas, kid dramas--LIFE dramas--we never seem short on 'em.
We've shared some long gin-soaked nights, online & IRL.....& while life is full of changes, some are sure more welcome than others aren't they.......x

Laura & Dylan.....
You've inspired me & made me believe in me again....
I thank you for all you, and your Family, have given to me.

You were the first person online, who truly let me into their life & made me feel a part of what was going on with you.
We connected because of our sons initially and our silly humor, but all this time on, tho we don't 'see' each other often, I still love to chat with you.

Karen.....I owe you a vote of thanks & some tequila for your html tips!!
You have become a good friend, always there to give me a laugh, pat me on the head, slap me, and EVEN made me lunch!
Thanks x

Crafty & are such dear dear friends and I love to be with you, sharing what's going on with each of us...I miss not catching up with you much these day, but think of you often. warm, crazy nut :o)
Ya keep me smiling, keep my HTML mind active and are cheeky and fun to be with. A whole new world is waiting out there for you now......

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