So this is me,...

ok i thought the slut test was fun and thought i'd post my results.

and the bitch test...

oh and we can't forget the purity test

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Hi i'm sharon (nymphie). There really isn't much to me i guess. Just within the last year i have changed so much from the girl people knew in highschool, well i don't know if changed is the best word, i think a better way to put it is that i moved out of my parents house and had a bit more free will to cut and dye my hair anyway i want, to pierce or tattoo things, to smoke at my own house at any time of day without having to worry about how i smell for my parents, and probably the best of all, i get to wear whatever i like.

ahh but anyway now the only person i have to worry about how i smell for is me! (sorry had to get it out of my system, i'm happy to be out of my parents house) i'm currently working graveyard doing customer service for . i work four ten hour shifts and i get three days off. i really enjoy this shift cause the more time i feel i don't have to be at work the happier i am.

i'm currently living with two roommates, amber and aaron, both i don't know very well but soon i will have a roommate who i love and can't wait to live with, ammy her and i spend so much time together at her little studio and her lease is coming up that we just decided to move in together into my place since it's bigger. so she'll be moving in at the end of january and one of my other roommates will be moving out. as for my life i consider myself to be a polyamorous person, by polyamorous i basicly mean being in a non monogamous relationship or another way to put it would be feeling that i am able to love more then one person at a time and being able to have different levels of relationships with different people. sometimes it's hard for me to explain what it is and that description just doesn't seem to do it justice. a book i read once and own is 'the ethical slut' and that is really a good book to read if you were curious as to what the heck i ment by that rambling while i was trying to describe the poly lifestyle (because i do realize i didn't describe it very well) other then being poly some more info about me, i love the arts; anything ranging from drawing in pastels to acting and singing. as for myself i used to sing with a jazz band for a short period of time i also have played the flute, piccolo, bassoon and the piano. unfortunatly i don't have access to a piano as often as i'd like anymore so when ever i'm visiting my parents i spend hours playing. some of the music i really enjoy listening to these days are anything from portishead to genitortures to mozart. another thing i really enjoy doing is people watching. i don't get out much these days so when i get the chance to be out i have to remind myself not to stare at people (though most of the time that doesn't stop me from looking) ever since i was little i've enjoyed sewing, some of my earliest memories of sewing was for my dolls when i was growing up to making blankets and quilts to making my prom dresses in highschool. lately i've been making a lot of stuff for other people that i couldn't make for myself like tight slinky dresses and in general things in other sizes besides my own along with doing mending and alterations for friends (and making a little extra change on the side doing it). i'm not wonderful but i can hold my own.

Two women i find myself infatuated with are Bettie Page and Marilyn Monroe.......

A truely beautiful women is Marilyn Monroe, a goddess. I just find myself attracted to the veluptiuous actress i guess. But isn't she beautiful? Here are some more picsof her, you can even send postcards online with her picture on them. Then there is Bettie Page, also a beauty from around the same time 'era'. There are so many women i know who are trying to achieve her look, her beauty. Here is a 'hyperlist' of all the different sites with Bettie Page on them.

If you want to contact me,...
looking to contact me on something besides email? well you can get ahold of me on ICQ number 25137070 or on mIRC on efnet (just look you'll find a server that will get you there) as nymphie in #seattle.gothic. if you are just curious about thoughts or daily activities take a look here
Pictures of me and my friends

More pictures of just me