
Spanky's life is a work in progress.

Cora's page, her old page, her older page

Avrum's page is kinda hack. As is his half-assed non-updated diary chez diaryland.

Kate's Junk

Kate's Real Page (real nifty, that is)

Li'l Vic's page


Wrenkin's page is currently in need of a new home... but it's all good

Multibabel is always good fun for song lyrics or telling people deeply emotional personal secrets

Fireman Comics are always good movie times if you wanna see some funny flash and/or a nerd in his shoe. (note: i am not a lesbian anymore)

Delta airlines ... if you's about to be about this biatch...

Antagonism makes me laugh every time.

Fimo Sloan is mini-Sloan goodness.

Stor troopers are good if you want to make a new you...

Battersea is Derrick's page. Dzerrick, if you will.

Countess Sevena (old page)