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*Frog Facts*

Frogs are very old creatures!! They even lived 350 million years ago!! We don't know much about the frogs that lived back then, but there are many different thoughts about the topic!! One belief is that frogs evolved from fish!!

One thing that I find really cool, is that there are SO MANY FROGGIES!! There are about 3,975 species of frogs and toads!! And about 24 new species of frogs are discovered every year!! Seeing that there are so many frogs, frogs come in many different sizes, many different colors, make many different sounds, and they all live in many different places all over the world!! But they are decreasing in a few ways, for example, chemical pollution!! And ultraviolet radiation, and acid precipitation, and there are some unknown causes!!

Although frogs are very small at times, most do have a form of protection!! For example, some frogs have strips down their back, to make them appear that they are spilt in two!! This is to make their predators confused about the outline and shape of the frog!! (Pretty neat eh??)

Some other frogs have poison glands which are located behind their ear, to squirt poison at their predators!! This form of protection is loacted on the American Toad!!

Some frogs have colors to warn their enemies that they are poisonous if eaten!! Alot of frogs have camouflage so they can blend into their background!! Can you see the froggy in this picture??

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