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YWAM outreach stories needed!


Have you participated in a YWAM outreach in the past? Do you have any good stories from your experience? We would like to hear them, and possibly add them to this web site. This site is a unique collection of YWAM outreach stories. (While a few very good YWAM books such as "Fanning the Flame" and "Around the World" have recently appeared containing many stories about YWAM outreaches, not many books include collections of multiple outreach stories from YWAM.

The goal of this web site is:
1) to inspire those who have not been involved in missions yet to join in the adventure!
2)to encourage all of us as to the great things God can do for those who step out to reach the lost.

If you have an outreach story of your own to tell, or if you have heard of one and know where we may be able to find the source, or if you have stories in any newsletters/reports you can send, please send them our way!

TYPES OF STORIES NEEDED: The stories we are looking for are stories from any YWAM short-term outreaches or long-term outreaches from 1985 to the present. Stories should have some sort of a central theme or point (not just a list of misc. occurrences). They need not be spectacular, but there should be an interesting or meaningful point to them.

Types of stories wanted:

***Miraculous Events (Angels, Healings, fulfilled prophecies, God's provision etc.)
***Intercession and Prayer (answers to Prayer, things God guided you to in intercession)
***Spiritual Warfare (encounters with the forces of darkness)
***Travel Stories (Adventures on planes, trains and automobiles)
***Humorous Stories
***Lessons God taught you
***Touching stories (stories of God's love, the Father Heart of God shown through people)
***Adventure and danger stories
***Evangelism stories (Open air stories, ways God opened up opportunities to share the gospel)

With each story please include:
1) Information on the school or base from which the outreach came, dates and places
2)Name of the person telling the story
3) Please include a statement that you give permission to David J. Brodie/YWAM publishing to edit & publish your story. (There is a possibility that at some point in the future these stories could be compiled into a book).
4) Also include what you are doing now. (your position, ministry in YWAM)

You can email your story to:
Or snail mail your stories to:

Dave Brodie - OR stories project
Box 1301
St. Thomas Mount., Chennai 600 016

Thank you for your participation in this project. Do not hesitate to email if you have any questions or information to share.

-- David J Brodie
Outreach Stories Project

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