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YWAM Outreach - Humorous Stories

The Calcutta Tiger
Perth Australia team - outreach to India, 1989

The team arrived at the Calcutta YWAM center at 11pm. The person who collected them from the airport warned them to be careful because a tiger might get them at the base. Being in Bengal, which is famous for it's tigers, the team was very apprehensive and did not know what to expect. Tigers?? Who knows?

When they arrived the team looked around and saw all of the base staff looking very casual. Pete (the team leader) was very tense, his eyes were searching around into every dark corner, preparing himself for the onslaught of a Bengal man-eating tiger. His tension was obvious and after a short time he asked one of the staff, Where's the tiger?" He replied, Oh, you mean tiger the dog. He's out back!" Tiger was the name of the base's dog!.

Isn't that part of the great Commission?
Perth Australia team - outreach to Bali, Indonesia, 1990

A team had just finished their outreach in Indonesia and had a couple of days before they returned to Western Australia.

The team accountant noted that they had $1,000 left in their outreach budget and as a team they talked about what they should do with it Before they left they had been told to bring any excess money back to the base intact. However, the team decided that they needed to pray about it anyway. They prayed for God to show them His leading in the situation. Afterwards they agreed that they sensed that they should spend $800 of the team's finances on a day of paragliding!

It's not always wise to follow in Darlene Cunningham's footsteps
Dave B. - Honolulu Discipleship Training School (DTS) outreach to American Samoa - 1993

One day we went out sharing our faith, and my partner and I went to a beach area called "sliding rock" because the sea water washing over a smoothe rock surface made it quite slippery.

I did in fact slip there, hitting my head and getting a black eye. Upon our return the others thought I that perhaps I had been punched in the eye for sharing my faith!

I was comforted, however to know I was in good company; several years earlier, Darlene Cunningham (wife of YWAM chairman Loren Cunningham) had slipped and injured her head on the same beach!


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