Hanson on MTV!!
If you want to be on the mtv petition to get hanson on for the entire
send me your name and e-mail adress. If u have already signed it please
your name again. the reason it has to be done this way is because there
many of them going arround and none of them have the same names. i will
your name a comment on it. This way no one can erase any names eaither.
If you
have a friend that does not have an e-mail send me there first and last
and i will put them on too. Spreed the word we need 1000 when we get it
i will
send it to MTV! :-). for your name to be on e-mail ITZtarie3@aol.com
PS there is a chance for one lucky fan to meet hanson. so get those
names in!
back home!