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Hi my name is Pam and I live in Southern Ontario Canada in a small community village by the bay. I am 43 years old, happily married and have 6 children. Over the last few months I have received numerous url's about missing children and if I could please forward to all my contacts on ICQ. The hope is that we get the faces of these children across the world fast in hopes that someone may see them and report it to the authorities. I have decided to dedicate my pages to all of the missing children. As a parent I could not even imagine losing any of my children. It must be the ultimate pain a parent could face - The not knowing what has happened. Whether they are hurt and calling you or worse - no longer with us. This would make life unbearable. I do have some good news however, because of sending the face of one little boy named Sam across the Internet he has been found. Someone saw his picture and called the police near the end of March. Sam is now home with his mother - where he belongs.

I have created a new missing children site which contains MANY, MANY helpful and useful links. I have close to a hundred links all containing to the missing, runaways, and such. Please take the time to visit this new site of mine and look carefully at the faces of the missing children. This will only take but a few minutes of your time, which could end up bringing another child home.

My New Missing Children Site
Help The Children Come Home
Feel free to use the above banner linking it to

Just A Few Missing Children Links You Will Find On My New Site

IASC/KIDS Missing Children
Missing Kids (more)
Missing Children Runaways Kidnap Victims
Child Quest International
Urgent Recent Missing Child

Please help the children by using the Internet.
Just forward this and any missing children url's you receive

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If your child is missing and you need help, write me with a description and any information you wish to add and I will gladly post a page. Be sure to include a personal letter and contact information. I would like to add that any personal touches such as the date your child went missing and the story behind your child would be helpful. Also a recent picture attached to your email.